Mumble Mumble Mumble at The Wilderness

17 PAX (including War baby Peach Pit – not listed above) met at the Wilderness to kick off a humid Thursday.  There were many varied and sweaty arrivals – a rucker, a few standards, some walkers – t-claps to all who put in some extra work before the post. 

Was this morning the most mumble chatter I've ever heard?? – probably not, but it was pretty close.    The Wilderness never dissapoints when it comes to such things.  It's A-Game mumble chatter.  And of course, Jorel is always trying to rise to the occassion and make sure his presence is felt – That's what she said.

Here's what happened in between the chatter.


Mosey to the b-ball court.

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 20 IC

Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

Windmill x 15 IC

Squats x 10 IC

Mosey to the parking lot and form two lines for an Indian Run down hill.


Partner up

Partner 1 Bear Crawls up the hill towards the traffic circle

Partner 2 does 10 Jump Squats – then runs to catch Partner 1

Flip Flop Repeato until everyone gets to the rock pile

Grab a rock and head to the grassy knoll

Zamparinni Time Bomb: 5-4-3-2-1 BOOM

Run a lap around the circle

Low Curls, High Curls, Full Curls (all x 10 IC)

Curl with Shoulder Press x 12 IC

Curl with Shoulder Press x 10 IC

Run a lap around the circle

Curl with Shoulder Press x 8 IC

Return your rock – and mosey down the hill

10 Curb Mericans IC (moving between street level & curb level)

LBC x 20 IC

10 Curb Mericans IC (moving between street level & curb level)

Freddy Mercury x 20 IC

Mosey to the tennis courts

Burpee Suicides – run the width of the court and back – run the width of two courts – perform THE BURPEE – and run back

4 more rounds with 2,3,2 & 1 Burpee

Finish up on the tennis courts with two more cycles – no Burpees

MARY on the b-ball court

Pretsel Crunch


Dying Cockroach




– Thanks to The Force for the chance to lead.  I always enjoy the Wilderness and should get here more often.

– A 5:10 start time is a great lead-in to Redemption afterwards.  Today's take away at Redemption was for each man to EH others to the many F3 events that are conducted each week – including Redemption.  You'll be hearing from us.

– We lifted up several people in COT that need our prayers and God's grace.  What a powerful outlet F3 gives us to raise our needs to HIM.  Outlaw, Olaf and Toxic all asked for prayers.  And we prayed for Deep Dish as he traveled to Chicago for a funeral.

– I thank God for this group and you men – even when it's humid.

– Holiday