Murder Night Bunnies

YHC had a more… "stereotypically Jaws" workout planned for today.  But an ill-timed break-in of new office dress shoes left YHC with horrible feet blisters (exacerbated by a gas price-conscious decision to take the bus to work, including the combined 2.5 miles of walking needed to connect from home and office).  So my feet looked and felt like hell, so minimal movement was the modus operandi.

Simultaneously I had preblasted something about murdering the pax (I was just thinking about doing a killer leg day).  But an ill-fated joke GIF response of a bunny reminded me of the IPC from a year or two ago, and thus, murder bunnies came front and center in my mind.  Thus, the regimen of pain became as follows:

WARMORAMA:  SSH x 20, IST x 20, Windmill x 10, Strawberry Farmer x 10, little baby arm circles into big arm circles into chinook… then reversed.  And now we’re ready.

THE THANG:  Get a cinder block and head up to the green.

DORA ROUND 1:  Partner 1 murder bunny halfway across the green and back while Partner 2 executes the following:  50 Block Burpees, 100 Chest Press, 150 Full Curls.  Switch as needed.  This took way longer than expected.

DORA ROUND 2:  Partner 1 Zamperini halfway across the green while Partner 2 starts the following:  50 ‘Mericans, 100 Squats, 150 WWII situps.

Mobility Moment: brought to you by Crocs

DORA ROUND 3:  Partner 1 Zamperini halfway across the green while Partner 2 starts the following: 50 CDD, 100 Monkey Humpers (ass to 115, of course), 150 LBC.

Blocks back, stairs to the top of the deck.

MARY:  Freddy Mercury x 20, J-Lo x 20.

At this point the pax are murdered.  Recover recover.

Congrats to all the pax for surviving a workout that was way stupider than I really expected.  Honestly I think that first round of Dora just smoked everyone, YHC included, as the true 3rd round was audibled-out (was going to be more Murder Bunnies plus 8-count burners, lawn-mowers, and bent-over rows) instead round 4 became 3 and we barely had time for MARY.

Awesome to see everyone, good times at the bar and taco truck.  Personally I had a thousand yard stare, and plan never to do murder bunnies again.  Be well F3 Nation!