Murph – All by myself, but as a group

Event Date

Mar 30, 2020

In maintaining the social distancing some Murph modifications had to be made. Also, if you did this solo at home, I'll give you attendance credit, but only if it's on Strava. I know this is F3 and F3 has no rules, but YHC put some rules out there to maintain social distancing. Also note that while 11 are on the backblast, that 10 attended, which was the limit. If we had more we would have split into 2 groups. One stayed at the Australian pull-up bar.

Rules and disclaimer

  1. 10 or less at the group workout or split into 2 groups
  2. one PAX at a time on the pull-up bar section. We have 3 bars that are 6-7 ft long. This maintains social distancing… but because we touch the same bar see rule #3
  3. Wear gloves (most listened to this)
  4. Stay more than 6ft apart
  5. Mater added he thought it was a 6" rule and had been staying 6" apart his whole life.
  6. Sparrow shared that regardless of what you did you need to wash your hands and not touch your face.
  7. Hopefully instead of just washing your hands you took a shower…because…ewwww

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 'Mericans
300 squats
1 mile run

We had 1 FNG and one for his 2nd time here.

  • FNG-1 above is Tim. I thought we were going to get to name Tim today, but he jumped in the car and took off at 0614. Name him early next time. Tim also posted last Wednesday. Tim is apparently a rock climber. I was thinking of the name "El Capitan". But I guess it's the next Q's choice when he posts… 
  • FNG-2 above is Steven, or is it Stephen? He is a Real Estate agent  and a wake board instructor, who at the YOUNG age of 28 has retired from being a professional wake boarder. He has a Malibu boat. Feeling generous today YHC decided to NOT name him Barbie or Malibu Barbie and just stick with Malibu. Welcome Malibu!
  • Out of the gate Malibu looked like he's completed a Murph before with some "crossfit" style to his pull-ups but they were Strict pull-ups of full extension. You get a gold star on form today.
  • For both of our newer guys we should tell you to look out for Rhabdo after a workout like this, especially after the effort you 2 put out today. Absolutely crushed it and left nothing out there.
  • Everyone left feeling whooped but that's the point right.
  • We also learned to never trust Tickle with his eyesight. He mistook the pause sign as being on round 11 of 20 when were actually on 9 of 11, then thinks the timer dinged with 15 seconds left when it was actually 1:15. We still love you. Just remember that my still is for making ethanol for hand sanitizer. I just throw the byproduct after the ethanol into disposable charred oak barrels.
  • Mulligan added for his solo Murph yesterday, but wasn't present today

As iron sharpens iron so does one man sharpen another… but like an annealed steel the trials and tribulations that we go through and the discipline that we get from this makes us stronger. God allows us to experience this to make us stronger and also to make us rely on him. this is what makes us men and hopefully better leaders.

Hebrews 12:11
For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.