Murph and more

Event Date

Jan 30, 2023

4 Pax met at Summit at 0500 for a standard then I arrived and we headed for Arnies. 

Upon arrival at Birkdale clubhouse we came across 2 other Pax who were already in Murph mode. There was also an Auto sighting in route, but still unsure what he done this morning so no attendance given. Knowing Auto, I’m sure he got his money’s worth. 

It was soggy, but we found ourselves up the hill a bit for dryer land…which wasn’t that dry. We also may have woke the neighbor as we had spotlights on during round 7. We brought our cadence to a whisper and continued.

After arriving back at Summit, the trifecta of Enron, Cherry Bomb, and Popcorn went out for another 3 mile standard. Sac and I went home to get ready for work. 

Great morning with some great pax.