Murph Surprise

Since my wife joined FIA a little over 2 years ago, she gets Monday mornings.  I think I've done the Murph with the PAX twice since then.   Lone Survivor has been on TV all week so I figured why not pull a surprise Murph.    As Dingo pointed out at the end, I got a 0 on originality points, but a 10 embracing the suck.  

You know it:  

Run a mile

10 sets of 10 pull ups, 20 merkins and 30 squats

Run a mile back


1. Thugs claims he tried to call the cadence before the 3rd set but only Bagboy heard him.  Can't really rely on the Old Man since he see's and hear's things all the time from all the War's he's been in. 

2.  Hat Trick acknowledged skippiing Tuesday's workout because he thought it was the VERN.  Only to learn it's this coming Tuesday.  See you there. 

3. Titan ran the standard wearing a Christmas Tree.  The man is ready to blow thru his BRR legs.  I still think he has the worst legs.  

4.  Glad to see Mayhem back.  I think he's been hibernating at Burn Bootcamp over the winter.  

5.  Dingo, have you gotten Fillet out full time?  Looks like the gym was so yesterday for him. 

6. Hollywood, quit holding back from BRR.  #FOMO

7.  Glad to see Beefcake out a couple weeks in a row.  Still best nickname in Isotope.  So fitting.  

8.  Enjoyed this morning men!