Murph….wait, what?

Event Date

Jan 19, 2017



Yes you heard that right, a murph. This time however the PAX was encouraged to attempt a few double rounds of 10/20/13 instead of the standard 5/10/15. Seems daunting at first but hopefully will become the new standard by the end of 2017.

Why a murph you may ask? Well, your Q missed the December murph due to holiday travel and felt that it was only right to make it up and didnt want to leave you guys out. Secondly, many PAX members feel a murph is too challenging and would rather fartsack that attempt a murph of a regular basis so this covert murph was a way to get some non regular murph PAX to see that they are indeed capable of a murph.


"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

Psalms 23:4

Don't be reluctant to face challenges because you will miss opportunities that could be very good for you. God will always be there to pick you up if you fall as your PAX will always be there to assist you with those pullups when your arms give out hallway through a murph.


T-Claps to the PAX that did the doubles. Some of you were absolutely killing it. I personally only got 6 doubles but saw some of you go way past that number.