Murphin’ in a Winter Wonderland

ELHS Mustang

4 men took the #RedPill and ventured in over the snow ice covered roads in eastern Lincoln county to receive their monthly dose of #TheMurph.  "Take 12 of these, once a month, in the morning and come again next year."  The melting and re-freezing that occurred had turned most of our 1 mile path into a nice sheet of ice.  Now, every man likes a little ice every now and then, but this was slicker than expected.  A brief discussion and an Omaha was called.  (Cheetah reminded YHC, via text that calling an audible an Omaha is not allowed until after old man Peyton is defeated…fair enough).  So we changed our route to ventured over to CSES at 2nd F pace or maybe slower.  Total distance each way, 1/3 mile. YHC took a fall at CSES, but that was the only fall of the day.  Thankfully I'm not as old as some of you, so I didn't break a hip.  We opted for 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 'Mericans, 30 Squats then trekked back over to the cars.  Ziplock called the cadence for ELHS Mustang

We also had time for Mary
20 IC LBC (Clark)
30 Sec Mason Twist (Closer)
15 IC Reverse Crunch (Ziplock)
8 IC J-Lo's (C#)


SVU's Q's work policy prevents creating new bb's and the cell tower coverage is horrific….so it's time for the first ever bb-in-a-comment woo-hoo!

7 men slid in from the gloom for the Murph on Ice.  Graceful, it was not.  It was a great and challenging way to start the week.

MetroDog, Skipper, GoodWrench, Mulligan, Dandelion, Gecko, Cheetah all got 'er done.

1 mile of Slip Slidin' Away 
100 pull up
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile of Slip Slidin' Away

Jude 1 24-25
24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

If anyone is interested, the isotopian email from this weekend has a schedule of morning conference calls specific for one of the biggest issues for men… dealing with pornography, and lust.  There are 6 calls in total, the first 2 have already passed.  Check your email for the details but the times are 7-745 Tues 2/2, Thurs 2/11, Wed 2/17, Wed 2/24.  If you'd like the email sent to you again just let me know.  Whether you need it or you have a friend that does, keep this email.

Mustang Moleskin

  • Trail shoes are good on crunchy ice or snow…not so good for a sheet of ice…maybe track shoes or golf cleats
  • Some discussions about being in better shape 6-8 months ago…what happened…food happened…maybe time for another challenge.
  • Minimal amounts of distributing waste in the gaseous state…no wind, thanks Closer
  • C# finds some mulch and decided to use it for 1) insulation for inadequate insulating gloves against the ice and 2) for better grip during 'mericans
  • Thanks Ziplock for calling cadence
  • I didn't really "lead" you men today, we just did our thing, but thanks for listening to my reflection for the day.

SVU Moleskin

  • t-claps to MetroDog for wearing the 12# vest throughout.  He started about 4 minutes late AND caught up.  Incredible!
  • t-claps to GoodWrench for going with the 10/20/30 method.  The rest of us went with 5/10/15 every 1:15.
  • I wore boots and was glad for it.  Traction was pretty good until we hit some smooth ice.
  • An ambulance visited SV this morning…causing us to scatter while running on ice…perhaps the most dangerous point of the runs.  A little exciting, but certainly we mostly were just hoping that everyone was okay wherever they ended up visiting.
  • Running downhill, after the Murph, on black ice….only 1/2 of a fall, and it was more of a good save than a fall.
  • Note to anyone visiting SVU…the stop sign at the Webbs/Burton intersection is really treacherous.  Be sure to nearly stop at the crest of the hill on Webbs.  I've seen many people slide through the intersection.  It was nasty until late Sunday.   Also, go slow around the fountain.  Lots of shade means weeks of ice there.
  • Have a great day everyone!