7 men appeared to get some muscle building time!
SSH x 25, WM x 15, CP's x 15, run around the parking lot
The Thang:
10 reps of both exercises at each station…squat pulse while waiting on station.
- Legs raised close handed bench crunch/ Legs raised alternating bench press – 35lb kettles
- Lunge raises/ Front Raise- 15lb dumbbells
- Merkin pull / Clean Press – 40lb sandbag
- Squat/ Row – 60lb sandbag
- Fly / Curls – 25lb dumbbells
- Step Ups / Hammer Curls- 30lb dumbbells
- Man Maker Merkins / Lateral- Front Raises – 10lb dumbbells
After rounds 1 and 2, pax ran a lap around parking lot
3rd round.. pick your favorite exercise at each station and do 10 reps at each station.
- Strong work by all!
- Great to see you out Hoculi! He was getting it done this am.
- Slow on sebbatical from drinking, although he did partake at the Panther's game. Ozzie, " ain't no laws when drinking white claws!!!" LOL!
- Schwinn's been a consistent participant of the Muscle Beach! Good work Schwinn, way to hit it bro!
- Slow's been training for a half marathon, get it bro.
- Nice work men! It was an honor!