Muscle Up at The Sword

Event Date

Feb 19, 2018

 8 regulars and one FNG (Steve) braved the wet conditions for a tour of LFC today



Mosey back to the pull up bars


15 X Cotton Pickers IC

10 X Merkins IC


The Thang

 Stage 1: Pull up bars (partner up for spot)

#1 5X Muscle Ups (pull yourself up over the bar until your arms lock, controlled movement down)

#2 10X Pull Ups

#3 10X Chin Ups

#4 10X Commando

#5 20X Knee Raises

10X IC Squats in between each set

Bear crawl to end of parking lot


Stage 2:

50% sprint across parking lot, move up a row

Lunge walk parking lot, move up a row

75% spring across parking lot, move up a row

Bunny hop parking lot, move up a row

100% sprint across parking lot


Rock work…

Zamperini/Shoulder press time bomb around circle (5,4,3,2,1)

Zamperini/Full curl time bomb around circle (5,4,3,2,1)

10X Skull crushers IC

10X Bent over row IC

10X Upright row IC


Stage 3:

Mosey to covered patio…

15X IC Dips

15X Step ups each leg OYO

10X Decline Merkins

10X Jump ups OYO

10X Incline Merkins

Peoples Chair

Repeato…or something similar.  I started to lose track



20X LBC’s IC

20X Mountain Climber IC

10X Pretzel Crunch IC


Low Flutter

One Minute Elbow Plank


Recover, Recover



– Great work by everyone!  Tried to push hard but over did it a little…had to “compose myself” after COT.

– FNG Steve did a great job for his first time, hopefully we’ll see him out again soon!

– Fortunately the rain held off and I was able to stick to plan.

– Definitely a fan of the Muscle Up, but need to put in some work before trying this on my own!

– Caboose and Qbert led the way…in mumble chatter.

– First time Q at LFC, really great AO and will look to Q there in the future.  Thanks Magnum for letting me take the reins!

