Must have been the Brussel Sprouts

Not registered:  Zare

It was that time again for the first Thursday challenge at the Wilderness.  This is the only workout that I know of that gets harder, with more and more reps as the workout goes on.  Some, The Force, may ask "then why do it?"  I told him that it makes you stronger and look better, but let's face it, nothing grows in the comfort zone, and only through struggle does one get stronger.  That's why it is a challenge. 

YHC showed up just in time to set up the bluetooth speaker at the tennis courts.  Ran up to the group over in the parking lot and someone asked "what were you doing over there", to which Toxic replied "don't you worry about it" . lol




Mosey over to the new Basketball court.  Music was already playing, the Pax approved. 


SSH x10ic

Slo Windmill x10ic

Cherry Pickers x10ic – to which Toxic commented cherries grow on trees. 

Mountain Climbers x10ic

Pause for some "black arts" downward dog

IST x10ic


The Thang


The old 1st Thursday challeng had 7x sets, counting down from 21x reps down to the 3, so: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3 is seven sets, dropping 3 reps each set.  With the new Challenge, we start at 7x reps and GO UP 1x rep each set, with a goal of getting to the 15x rep set which is completing the 14x rep set, for a total of 8 sets.  So in the new Challenge, you have a little less running but end up doing one more set.  


It went something like this: 


7x CDDs at Basketball Court

7 x Low Flutters at the Court

7x Jump Squats at the elbow of the parking lot

7x Pull Ups at Playground

7x Dips at the benches at the Playground

7x Walking Lunges total, not each leg, on way back to the basketball court 


Repeat, going UP one rep on all exercises the next set.  




Once YHC completed the 13x rep set, called it for 10 minutes of Mary.  


Touch them heels x15 ic

The W x15 ic

Box cutter x15 ic

Suzane Summer x25ic (might have been 24)

More downward dog then

Shoulder Touch Merkins x10ic for Snake Eyes (though he wasn't there)


Recover recover


The Moleskin


Lots of mumble chatter about having this workout the same week as the Murph.  Lots of pull-ups, that is for sure. If you complete sets from 7 to 15, going up one each time, you come out to 99 of all excercises.  


I think one group with Toxic and Rooter and Frontier completed set 16, which is 115x of each excercise, with the CDDs and Low flutters being 4 coutn, that's 230 of each of those.  Quite a feat! 


Had to apologize to Risky Businees for not giving him the honorable mention on Saturday with his dual farmer's carry walking lunges.  Task was one partner did the farmers carry with two cinderblocks, the other walking lunges, but he just did both!  Kicking into beast mode! 


I think Frontier is ready for a Q!  Looking forward to that soon!


Zare cleared the court during Mary.  He said it must have been the brussel sprouts.  All I know is why moved to the other side of the court to get some fresher air.  Watered that eye!


Ultraman got his new AC up and running.  Why do ACs only fail when it gets above 92F?  One of life's little mysteries.  (TopGun Maverick quote, see what I did there?)


Someone said it was about time for Die Hard to Q, but then again he Q's Fartlek almost every week.  Rooter needs some Q's as well, so get on the calendar and sign up!   Can't get any worse than what YHC did today, and still feel stronger for it.  


TG sends,
