Mustang does Nicole…again

Event Date

Mar 16, 2016

Not listed in the PAX are slackers HighLife and Dutch, register, it's easy.

We had 8 this morning at ELHS Mustang.

15 IC Windmill

Mosey over to CSES to visit Nicole
Set timer for 20 minutes, Beginning with the parking lot, run to CSES, complete MAX pull-ups, then run a lap, complete MAX pull-ups after each lap,  AMRAP.

1 minute plank (breather)

Grab a rock from CSES
10 IC Squatting Curl
10 IC Skull Crushers
10 IC Pseudo Planche ‘Mericans, Diamond ‘Mericans, Wide ‘Mericans (cycle through each round)
30 second plank (after 2nd round only)
Repeato x2

Mosey back over to ELHS, stopping at the benches for dips x15 IC

10 IC Dr.W
10 IC Low Flutter
10 IC Freddy Mercury
30 Sec Mason Twist

Matthew 18 19“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. 20“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

I brought a picture of a colony of ants and how they respond to a flood.  I also shared a video, which nobody thought was funny except for me.  Just asking you guys to “Look at this photograph” made me think of the Nickleback song.  So, for all my Nickleback haters…”Look at this Graph…” Every time I see this is make me laugh

And view this photo of the Ants in the flood

What will be your response to “the flood”, whatever your flood may be.  Will you allow yourself to drown or will you link arms with your brothers to stay afloat.

Prayers for Closers sister Wendy who is in the hospital


  • Q was spent today, hopefully you were too when it was all said and done.
  • Great to have Highlife back out at it today.
  • Closer didn’t sound too good himself.
  • Praises for C# and others involved in an accident last night, nobody was hurt.
  • Mulligan liked doing Nicole and Mary in the same workout.
  • Doublecheck asks the Q “How much longer”
  • Dutch, good to see you again too, that’s twice this week.  And you do have some pretty stickers on your bumper.
  • Abrams was not a slow moving tank today.  Apparently an Abrams tank max speed is 45 mph. 
  • Thanks for letting me lead you today
  • I don’t know about yall, but my guts are still recovering from that one.  Either it was the workout, or it was the 800mg of advil I took last night after mixing 880 lbs of concrete.