Mustang ELHS

Event Date

Feb 23, 2022

Four brave souls successfully evaded both rain and didn't suffer too much pain.

Began with SSH x 15, Cotton Pickers, Windmill, Arm rotations and squats.  Mosey to block pile and back to gym area.  Grounded CBs and performed the "The Thang".  Station 1 at bottom of lot = 20 merkins and 20 squats, quad to top of lot

Station 2 = 20 merkins and 20 lunges, sprint about 100 yards to Station 3=20 merkins and 20 My Boy Bobby Hurleys

mosey to Station 4 at bottom of lot 20 merkins and 20 Monkey Humpers.  On to CBs.

IC 20 skull crushers, 20 curls, 20 squats. OYO 20 Blockies and 20 BB Sit-ups 

Repeat stations 1-4 with 15 x merkins, BBSUs, Mtn Climbers, plank shoulder tap, pickle pounders. Back to CBS for repeat x 15.  Return blocks.  We had so much time that everyone voted for one more circuit with 5 merkins at each station. Short Mary and reflection on source of strength from God as described in Isiah 41:10.  Prayed out. Pleasure to lead.

