Mustang IronPAX – Week 1 / Take 2

12 men showed up to represent Denver in the IronPAX Challenge for week 1 (some knowingly, some by accident). A few came to improve their times from Monday – they all did. Props for showing up after having experienced that nastiness. 

Disclaimer given


20 SSH

10 forward/backward small arm circles

10 forward/backward big arm circles

15 cotton pickers

The Thang

IronPax Challenge – week 1. Look it up on F3 Greenwood website. Basically 5 rounds of:

10yd broadjump

10 burpees

10 Bonnie Blairs

10 sit-ups 

Repeat above to 30 yd line – then bear crawl 30yds back to baseline.  That is one round – do that 5x for time  

Reflection – Psalms 37:7-9

7 Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. 

8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret; it leads only to evildoing. 

9 For evildoers will be cut off, But those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land.

As much as we were focused on our time, in life, we are in God’s time. 

Mumble Chatter

Certain PAX were more focused on heckling the Q than finishing. Joke was on them after Q finished and began hazing those not finished. 

The boys who did this Monday and still came out to do it again get big props. That sucked. In true Diesel form, he quietly chugged they the workout and finished without YHC seeing him. His time is approximate, but probably better than I recorded. 

Whiever the superfreak was that posted a sub-15 min time is not human.  Our times are below. All – remember that this whole thing is Hefty’s fault (and after organizing, he informed that he won’t be able to make ANY of the Saturday workouts)


31:23 – kaczynski

32:54 – stitches 

36:10 – soldier

36:30 – diesel 

36:40 – wrangler

37:36 – C sharp

38:29 – Mater

38:55 – crawdad

39:27 – twinkle

40:55 – Clubber

41:47 – Bertha

42:19 – sonar

