Mustang Mashup

13 PAX arrive to celebrate 3 years of Mustang but where is the Q, where is MetroDog? Meanwhile the Q calls Skipper to ask that warmups get moving and ask Clubber to do jump ropes. So…I end up laying down in my 2.0’s room to get her to sleep last night. So my phone wakes me and I get the 2.0’s and at this point I’m trying to get out of the house while my M is getting ready for work.


Warm up

Jump ropes with Clubber


Mosey to track (gates locked, detour to an open gate)

High knees / butt kickers back stretch

Monkey drill left through curve

Sprint front stretch

Monkey drill right through curve


Box jump up the bleachers  / burpee down / dips at the bottom

Repeato x3


IR back out the open gate and around the perimeter fence of the football field to the baseball field (about .5 mile)


IR to Wicked Hill (next to the baseball field) for quadrophilia

Repeato x3


IR back to track entrance


B2W / Mike Tyson merkin after each

Repeato x3


IR to launch pad


30 dragon-walk steps toward practice field then run (keep order of arrival) rest of way to practice field

Q sorts groups matching first to last of groups


Grab a block for each group and line up across endzone

Bear block (bear crawl carrying block) to midfield run back tag out next person who runs out bear blocks to opposite endzone (PAX plank R /L/Center at each trade off)


Grab your block group carry around buildings and back (Cheetah attempts a block jailbreak. Not the pace the Q had in mind)

Pain station (10 trifectas for each PAX member)


Return blocks


Quadrophilia up hill and mosey to launch pad


Mustang Mary (regular’s choice)

X’s and O’s – Nittany

Flutter kicks Abrams style (arms up at a 90 to the ground) – Abrams

Dying penguin (alternating side crunches) – School Bus

Parker Peters – Mulligan

Freddie Mercury – Spork

Dr. W – Sonar

Jane Fondas – Closer

Sandie V – Clubber



Proverbs 18:24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.


F3 is a reflection of that true friend. I appreciate each of you!



During the IR to the Wicked Hill Skipper points out “you’re losing them” but somehow we all make it to the hill.

The pace and extended runs due to the gates being locked kept the MC down.

Thanks to Moses, Jolly Roger and Cheetah for the the early Q’s that provided inspiration. Also, thanks Jeeves for the Bear Block idea.

LIFO – MetroDog  War Daddy – Sonar


I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!

YHC MetroDog