Also present but not listed above: Garcia.

Pre-beatdown: 3 pax (Deep Dish, Outlaw, Riverboat) rolled into the Hollywood AO after a Standard of some distance/duration.  (Did I miss anyone for the Standard?  Sound off below….)

0530: 25 pax were ready for a Hollywood beatdown.  Some of it, anyway.  More on this below.

Mosey to parking lot to right of Birkdale cinemas.  Circle up.  Disclaimer.


  • Windmill x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 15 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub x 40 IC
  • Overhead Claps x 15 IC
  • Slow Squat x 15 IC


Mosey behind Birkdale cinemas to lot on other side.  Form multiple lines facing first lane of parking lot.  Commence snake through 3 lanes of parking lot, alternating between broad jump burpees and bear crawls, switching at each island.  Pax were also instructed to complete 20 CDDs at each endcap.  Plank at the end and wait for the six.  Right arm up (but not left arm….didn't have time).

Mosey down Cranlyn Rd, past tennis court, and down grassy hill to rock pile near reservior adjacent greenway.  Select rock and return up hill to mini parking lot.  Form groups of 4.  Each pax in foursome takes a turn calling a rock exercise and leading the small group in cadence (10-15 reps), until each group has completed 4 rock exercises.  Rotate one rock to left and repeato (i.e. 4 more exercises).  Replace rocks.

*** Now, at this point in the workout, and for the 6+ minutes that would follow, YHC can only speculate as to where 23 of the pax went, and what they did.  Varying accounts and explanations were given.  Here's what YHC knows:

  • The pax had been complaining all morning – about the absence of SSHs in warmup, about the Moroccan Nightclubs ("looks like a Davidson exercise"), about the broad jump burpee snake, about moseying through moist grass, etc.
  • After replacing rocks, YHC led pax around other side of tennis court, past some misting sprinklers (pax complained about this as well), and back out to Cranlyn Rd.
  • YHC and DonHo were moseying down Cranlyn Rd past fountain, toward parking lot where warmup occurred, when we realized that the mumblechatter that had been present most of the morning had suddenly ceased.
  • YHC and DonHo turned around to discover that 23 pax were nowhere to be found.  We retraced our steps down Cranlyn Rd, back to the tennis court.  No pax were seen or heard.
  • YHC and DonHo again reversed direction on Cranlyn, thinking the pax might have taken the route behind the cinemas back to the warmup area, but alas, there were no pax.
  • Despite our having now run back and forth along Cranlyn for some 3-4 minutes searching for the pax, YHC and DonHo again reversed direction down Cranlyn, toward the tennis court.  We peered down the pedestrian mall, and then down Formby Rd, but there were no pax in sight.
  • It was noted at this time that the one establishment in Birkdale that was open and lit just happened to be located near the spot where the pax went missing: Pure Barre.
  • YHC and DonHo, now certain that the pax were either masterfully trolling the Q or had otherwise led a mutiny, resolved to reconvene at the fountain to continue the workout as a twosome.
  • It was around this time, some 6+ minutes after they had vanished, that 23 pax came strolling down the pedestrian mall toward the fountain.
  • YHC did NOT hear any pax say "There you are!" or "We were looking for you!"

Mosey over to the warmup area to continue the workout.

Partner up.  Partner 1 one-legged People's Chair while Partner 2 completes 25 single-count merkins.  Flip-flop.  Repeato, raising other leg.

All pax circle up for Captain Thors – 1 WWII Situp followed by 1 4-count Mason Twist (or "American Hammer"), then 2 WWII Situps followed by 2 4-count Mason Twists, and so on…. up to 10 WWII Situps and 10 4-count Mason Twists.

Mosey back to fountain for Mary:

  • LBC x 15 IC
  • The W x 15 IC
  • Shoulder Touch Merkins x 15 IC (Master Q Deep Dish)

Recover, recover.


  • The mumblechatter was strong this morning.  YHC tried to quell it at the outset with the broad jump burpee snake — which did help temporarily — but it only came back stronger.
  • The broad jump burpee snake was a definite crowd pleaser.  Outlaw immediately alerted YHC of his presence, and gave YHC the opportunity to rescind the exercise before it had commenced.  When YHC declined, YHC promptly found himself the recipient of a double shot to the solar plexus.  (YHC would later decide to forgo the second broad jump burpee snake that he had planned….)
  • YHC actually received kudos from Primo for his having broken the pax into mini groups for the rock exercises.  Thanks, Primo!  Just wanted to give the pax – especially those who have not Q'd yet, or have not Q'd many times, an opportunity to lead a few exercises.  YHC appreciated having those opportunities when he was new to F3.
  • The pax loved the Captain Thors.  In fact, they were calling for more Captain Thors during Mary.  I promise to bring Captain Thors back to Hollywood the next time I'm on the calendar.  No, I don't know who Captain Thor is.  But I do know that Captain Thors are an F3 exercise.  I did them at an F3 Nashville workout.
  • Nice work by all pax.  Except for those 6+ minutes.  The pax may or may not have done nice work during those 6+ minutes.  I am told that the pax wandered down Formby Road, moseyed up the ramp of a parking deck, and completed at least three exercises on their own at the top of the deck.  The exercises may have included Merkins (led by Auto), Dying Cockroaches (led by Kingfish), and Low Dolly (led by an unidentified pax).  At that point, the pax apparently decided that they should try to find the Q.  YHC has no idea if any of that in fact happened.  But Pure Barre was definitely open, and lit, and located near where the pax went missing.  Just saying.
  • In all seriousness, YHC had a great time leading the pax this morning (for 39 minutes, anyway).  Hope the pax enjoyed it.  Many thanks to Deep Dish for allowing YHC to lead.  I hope to Q again sometime at Hollywood, if the pax will have me back.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016 – I'm forever grateful.

Till next time,