(Muzzle) Punches were thrown

Event Date

Feb 22, 2022


6 of the finest took a tour of North Meck Park and got some unwelcomed love by my dog, here's what happened


The "Standard"

YHC rolled in with my dog Tornado in the backseat at 0500 ready to run a standard. All alone in the parking lot I grabbed his favorite frisbee and he showed off his acrobatic catches for a half hour as I tried to make him a little tired before the beat down (SPOILER: It did not work)

The Thang

PAX began rolling in around 0520 and Tornado greeted him with his lovely Muzzle Punches (rubbing his face near everyones nether regions) (PS read the Moleskin for why Tornado wears a muzzle)

0530 struck and off we went.

Quick mosey around the church parking lot for stretches and disclaimer. Tornado's anxiety was in full force so I dropped him off in the car and we made our way into the park.

Mosey to the parking lot near the bike track

3 rounds

20 of: Mericans, Squats, CDD, Lunges

Run a lap

Mosey to tennis court parking lot

Bear Crawl half Crab Walk half


Mosey to basketball/soccer field parking lot

10 pull ups OYO

Grab a rock

3 rounds of 20: Curls, Squats, Skull Crushers, Calf Raises (all with rock) Run a lap

Mosey back to launch, quadrophelia up the hill


20 Jackknife LBC's each leg IC

10 Dying Roach IC

10 Jane Fonda each side IC

Recover Recover

Name a rama



  • Thankful for the PAX that came out this morning I had not ventured away from FKT on a Tuesday for a long time but I was happy to be back at Viking
  • Canuck is not a bear crawler, he went on a mini run while we did that
  • Jimmy O took a two month trip to the beach which sounds amazing and has been working back in to F3, great to see you brother!
  • Muzzle Punches started out as Tornado invading your private space, but we decided at the end that its a Possum specific exercise where all PAX in attendance get a free punch to his nuts (the council has spoken)
  • Little story about Tornado:
    • We adopted him when he was about 8-9 months old from a shelter. First few months he was your "average" dog. Took him through Birkdale regularly and he would be pet and loved on by whoever wanted to. We took him to the dog park fairly regularly as well and he loved it. Always played and had a great time. One time we took him to the dog park and out of nowhere another dog attacked him and he got beat up. His physical wounds weren't bad and healed fine, but what my M and I didn't realize were that mentally that messed him up. Within days of that incident, that happy loving dog went from what he was to being terrified and barking at any person or dog we saw. A complete 180 from what he was.
    • To make an even longer story short we've spent years training and rehabilitating him to what he is now. He still gets anxiety meeting new people and the muzzle is his safe space. He understands that he doesn't need to be scared with that on and it helps him trust who he's around. He now has human and even dog friends that he can hang out and even play with (documented on his instagram @tornado.watch if you're interested in learning more or seeing some of the dumb things that we do with him)
    • Thank you for those that have been at a workout with him and learned about why he wears the muzzle and if you see a dog with a muzzle know that it doesn't mean "bad dog"
    • Soap box over
  • Thank you Waffle House for the opportunity to lead


Until next time……. Mr. H