MVEMJSUN (pizzas)

Event Date

Jun 18, 2022



One of the benefits of the summer SVU tri’s is, even on the longest Saturday of the year, it is dark driving in.  This Saturday had a special treat, seeing the planets lined up: Mercury, Venus, Earth all around me, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  (Uranus and Neptune were there too, but not visible without lenses.). By the time I arrived, Mercury wasn’t visible as the light started creeping up the horizon.   My point: Even in the gloom, there is a glorious reality. Sometimes hard to see.  Sometimes not visible, but it’s there. 


Shirley and I ran a 5k. Then we swam to the buoy and back. Chatting, sharing, being buds along the way.   Even snuck in a pic at the buoy. 


He had an early flight, so I jumped on the bike for the standard loop and Gov Island.   Good times.   Workout followed. Here’s how it went down. 



SSH, windmills, dippy birds, arm circles, merkins


Go get a block



50 step ups 20” box w 22# pack


Lying down toe touches


66# sandbag walk to top of hill and back

25 merkins

Grip carry 22# in each hand to back playground and back

Colt 45’s

25 merkins 




Block back to the back


3 mins of Mary

Box cutters

Freddie Mercury’s 


Reflection:  Matthew 11:28-30

(Jesus speaking) “28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

  • had this verse in mind for the burden idea, doing things with extra weight
  • What are the burdens we are each carrying unnecessarily?  What are we focused on?  Why are we focused on those things?  Are they temporary or external things?
  • I can’t tell you how great it was to unladen the extra weight after the weight bearing workouts. #showtoknow
  • When we unburden from things in life that are preventing us from being the loving beings we were designed to be, life can become easier. 
  • How do we know what’s a burden and what is just inconvenient?  Prayers and studying the Bible. Trusted Brother.   Don’t be fooled that all your burdens need to be dropped. Some are part of the growth plan God has for you. 
  • I don’t know your burdens. But I know God loves you, your Brothers love you, and your burden can be lightened if you can be humble and open to God’s instruction and love. 


Big honor to lead you guys. 

Happy Fathers Day!!
