Not registered, it's TPR, so of course the list is long…Banjo, Worlie, Nature Boy, Linguini, Hulka, Larry, Moe, Buckner, Padre

The clown car of Moe, Larry, & Curly…that is classic.

March 9th, the day I celebrate another successful trip around the sun and what a better way to start this day than leading an F3 workout. It's been awhile since I lead, and with it being a weekday, I couldn't pull out my Monopoly workout, so I went to my next best routine…borrowed from PAINinsula's Horseshoe but expanded and modified, the Cane o' PAIN. Knowing the running involved, OBC and I decided yesterday at The Revolt, we'd split up the group. Unfortunately for the pax, he likes to run as well, so there was no hiding this morning.

The warmup: SSH x 14 IC, Cotton Pickers x 15 IC, IST x 10 IC, count off by 2's to decide who went with OBC or me. At this point, a few of the veterans caught onto me and decided to follow OBC instead…they suffered just the same.

Away we went, down Lorimer to Woodland, where we gathered at the bottom of Woodland/Spring. Like The Horseshoe it's 5 different exercises, adding one each time unitl you do all 5, then you drop the 1st, then the 2nd, and so on. The 5 exercises were Merkins, LBC's, CDD, Squats, and THE Burpee. 

As we ran up the hill to the intersection of Goodrum & Walnut, we ran into OBC's crew as they were doing paver work, Merkin variations, and hill repeats.

Scrum was the only to finish and even managed to do an extra hill run. The rest of us knocked off 6-7 rounds, and according to my Garmin covered 3.2 miles.

My group arrived back on The Green just as OBC's group was finishing up their Mary routine.

COT – Suprisingly quiet outside of the panting

Naked Man Moleskin

  • Scrum is a BEAST. He had knee surgery maybe six months ago and has come back stronger than ever. Now If I can talk him into doing the BRR
  • Buckner was nipping at Scrum's heels right from the beginning all the way until we reached The Green. Strong Work
  • T-Claps to Worlie, he's been out for quite some time, yet pushed himself hard today. If he sits for an extended period, he'll feel it when he stands. Solid work, brother.
  • A huge thank you to Mailman, who convinced me to come out to my first workout almost 3 1/2 years ago. I truly appreciate him for introducing me to one of the best things in my life.
  • As I put another year behind me, I celebrate you, my F3 brothers. You guys have been good friends…busting my chops every chance you get, heckling me while I count in cadence (like I don't have enough trouble with it), "admiring" my running attire during BRR, and, most of all, being there for me when my kids lost their mother last April. I'm thankful that our paths have crossed…you have made me a better father, friend, co-worker, brother, neighbor, and, most of all, a better person. Plus, you've turned me into a runner! I look forward to celebrating you guys for many more years.

