My first time at the new Fission

Event Date

Oct 14, 2021


What better way to learn about the new location of Fission then to Q the first time you go?


Cousin Eddie ran a 3.25 solo standard, much better than me because I would've taken a quick nap in the car if I was the only one for a standard.


The rest of the gang showed up nice and early as we were all stretching and ready to go once 5:30 came around



Mosey to Dunkin Donuts parking lot

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 15 IC

Long Snapper x 10 IC


The Thing

Mosey over to center of parking lot

Run from one end of the parking lot to the other doing upper body exercises on one side and lower body on the other stopping to do burpees in the middle.

  • Exercises:
    • Mericans
    • Squats
    • Carolina Dry Docks
    • Single Leg Calf Raises
    • Dip
    • Bonnie Blairs?
  • Reps:
    • Round 1: 10 of each exercise, 1 burpee each time you run through the middle
    • Round 2: 15 of each, 2 burpees
    • Round 3: 20 of each, 3 burpees

– Mosey to back of Harris Teeter

  • 10 Step Ups each leg
  • 10 LBC's IC
  • 10 Step Ups
  • 10 Low Flutter IC
  • 10 Step Ups
  • 10 Low Dolly IC

– Mosey to front of Harris Teeter near the walls

  • Wall Jumps and WW2 Sit ups
    • 10 WW2 at each set of parking spots start at closest one, run and jump over wall and back run to the next one, repeat until you crossed the entire parking lot

– Mosey to launch

  • 10 W's IC
  • Run a lap
  • 10 X's and O's
  • Run a lap
  • 10 Blastoff Mericans
  • Run a Lap

Recover Recover

Name o Rama



  • Hollywood has got the Burpee form down always doing a jump before the start of each burpee as well as one after, much better than my form for sure
  • Maybe its my style of Qing or maybe its just Jersey Boy but he seems to always do more reps than necessary at some point when I Q… maybe he's just stronger than the rest of us
  • Travolta, Cousin Eddie, and Hollywood were leading the way throughout strong work by the three of them
  • Canuck made sure he got his 2 miles in and I walked around the parking lot after to make sure I did too


Thanks for the opportunity to lead CE


Until next time……. Mr. Holland