My Fission Tis of Thee….

Event Date

Jan 30, 2025


”My Fission tis of thee

Sweet Land of reconstructed knee

Of thee I backblast

We loved thy rocks and rills

We scaled repeated templed hills

Our elevated heartrates with rapture thrills

Like that above”

All this to say that we ran up and down a hill with rocks.  There was ample moaning and groaning. We stretched and kvetched, practiced our sharing with Mary.

Scrappy is back in action after being on the IR… and looking good in full Rocky Balboa cotton.

Yosemite is also back… at least until the thermometer hits 40 degrees, then we will see. 

Macbeth survived the trip to Vail, and brought his normal wise guy shenanigans to Dunkin.

JB’s was traveling with some heavy rocks.

Canuck always finds at least one or two ways to rebel in a workout.

Thug was torn between Java and Fission this morning.  Did he choose wisely? Only he can decide, but he did survive a speedy toyota fly by.

We prayed it out for some good intentions, and adjourned to coffee where we were soon joined by the studly Aquamen.  

’Twas a fine morning upon which our hats may be hung with a good deal of pride and satisfaction. 

Goat sends. 

