My Forearms Haven’t Felt This Sore Since I Was A Teenager

FNG-2 = Longhorn

0500 – YHC ran sad clown standard to the Wynfield Forest clubhouse and back for about 2.5 miles. This was a terrible mistake given that the high ass meat was still very sore from the IPC workout yesterday.

0530 – 9 more pax had rolled in and it was time to mosey around the parking lot which was met by many complaints. Some wondered if they had accidentally posted at Fartlek. We did some butt kickers and high knees, and then stopped by the blocks to circle up for warm-a-rama.



  • SSH x 50 IC
  • TS x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Arm Circles
  • Windmill x 10 IC


The Thang

Grab 2 blocks and line up facing the cars.

  • OH Press x 30 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 Yards
  • OH Press x 20 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 yards
  • OH Press x 15 OYO

Run a lap

  • Curls x 30 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 Yards
  • Curls x 20 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 yards
  • Curls x 15 OYO

Ab break

  • Low Flutter x 20 IC
  • WWII Sit Ups x 20 single-count
  • Crunchy Frog x 10 IC

Block time! Pax were given a choice to do dips or skull crusher

  • Dips/skull crushers x 30 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 Yards
  • Dips/skull crushers x 20 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 yards
  • Dips/skull crushers x 15 OYO

Run a lap

  • Block Swings x 30 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 Yards
  • Block Swings  x 20 OYO
  • Farmers Carry ~50 yards
  • Block Swings  x 15 OYO

Put up the blocks and then…

  • Pull-ups x 10 OYO

Run the long way back to launch for Mary


  • Peter Parker x 10 IC
  • Parker Peter x 10 IC
  • LBC x 25 IC
  • Side LBC x 15 OYO (each side)
  • SSH x 50 IC
  • Mobility Minute
  • ONE WWII Sit Up

Recover. Recover.


  • A number of the pax in attendance had completed the IPC workout on Monday. The legs were feeling it so YHC promised we would not do any squats today. Those same pax were not thrilled with the block swings, but it's still not a squat!
  • Managed to sneak in 1.25 miles though it was mostly doing farmer's carries. 
  • Strong work by Popcorn – why isn't that guy signed up for Iron Pax Challenge? EH the heck out of him.
  • Great to see 2nd post James come out to get named today. James is from Oklahoma and is a Sooners fan. So naturally, we named him Longhorn. Gotta get him on the website! Guy is motivated and a great addition to the pax.

Thanks to Carpetbagger for the opportunity to lead. Thanks to all the pax that came out today. I hear Stretch Armstrong is a post-IPC friendly AO (just sayin'). Until next time – CB