My memory must be going

Thirteen fine men rolled out of the fartsack to see what Sonar would bring to a Wednesday. Sonar wondered, himself, seeing as he had no recollection of signing up to Q. Some were to skeered to show.  FNG-1 is Dora the Explorer




15 IC    Side Straddle Hops 

15 IC    Mountain Climbers

10 IC    Windmills 

Arm Circles


Head to the block pile and grab a block

Line up at the bottom of the hill

Walk up the hill with your block – that is the only time we will climb the hill today (scared ya, huh?)

Bring your block to the front of the gymnasium


Pair up – size does not matter – one group of three

Partner A runs, at mosey pace, either up the parking lot to the top or around the short loop at drop-off

Partner B performs exercises until Partner A returns

Repeato until designated number of reps is complete – plank for the six

Exercises completed:

  • 100 block merkins
  • 50 block burpees
  • 150 curls
  • 150 skull crushers
  • 100 block squats
  • 100 shoulder press (no mosey on this one, running out of time)

Return the blocks and head back to the launch pad.

6 MOM (more like 2)

10 IC Dr Ws


Galatians 6:9

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

This was the verse of the day in my Bible app yesterday and it seemed appropriate, given the transition in our country’s leadership today.  Many people are celebrating today, believing that good will happen under the new administration.  Many people are unhappy today because they believe that good has been happening and will stop now.  But we need to understand that this day is not a transition day for God and it should not be a transition day for us in terms of doing good.  We control the good we do.  It does not depend on anyone other than God and ourselves.


  • Great to see Bertha back out.  We have missed you, brother!
  • YHC’s memory must be going because I have no recollection of signing up to Q this morning and, yet, there I was on the calendar.? (thanks for the push, Finkle)


  • Q got to meet Dora, the Explorer – a recent transplant. Not sure if it was his first time with us or not.  Welcome to F3Denver!
  • Awesome efforts all around.  Love watching PAX push themselves when the pace is self-set. 
  • Mumble-chatter was at a minimum during the exercises but picked up afterward, almost resulting in an impromptu coffeeteria in the parking lot afterward.  I don’t care what anyone says – in my opinion –  2nd and 3rd F outweigh the 1st  – and it’s not even close.  1st F is just the price I have to pay to get to hang with you guys.


  • Weather was perfect for a workout.  First above-freezing morning I can recall in a while.
  • Missing some regulars.  Some lost to the new AO at Denver Baptist – some lost to the fartsack.
  • As always, it is an honor to be allowed to ‘lead’ and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.