My Shoulders are Shot

Event Date

Dec 28, 2022

3 PAX came to the frozen Meatlocker to see what was awaiting them.   




Cotton Pickers 10 IC

Windmills 10 IC

Arm Circles

Grady Corns 20 IC



Round 1

PAX Bear Crawl in a circle the shovel flag and when the Q says stop each PAX will take turns doing 10 merkins while the others plank.  Continue to circle when all have completed merkins.  3 rotations completed.  30 merkins each.  Hands were frozen so we moved on


Round 2

mosey to block pile

  • 5 curls, 5 shoulder presses, and 5 skull crushers IC continuous
  • 10 curls, 10 shoulder presses, and 10 skull crushers IC continuous
  • 15 curls, 15 shoulder presses, and 15 skull crushers IC continuous


Round 3

1 Pax farmer carries 2 blocks 3 parking spaces and does 10 burpees while other PAX plank, repeat until all PAX have done burpees.  Another set is done with 7 burpees then final set was 5 burpees


Round 4

Triple nickle

5 squats, 5 LBCs, 5 times


Round 5

Repeat round 1 for 1 rotation



15 WW1s OYO

Pax took turns doing 10 LBCs while other PAX held scissor lift position, until each PAX did LBCs.  Repeated for a second time with scissor lift of other leg.

Pretzel Crunch 15 IC each side

Oblique Crunches 10 IC each side



Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  Hebrews 10:23



Mater claimed his shoulders were shot during this workout

Crabby executed the Murph running a mid 8 mile.  Knee is feeling better.  Surgery later this month. Keep him in your prayers

Mater didn’t slay a deer this weekend

Crabby went to a gift exchange in which his daughter got a mug that had Crabby Patty on it. Fitting.


Thanks for joining me this morning.  Remember, next week is the 2 year anniversary of THE Meatlocker, so come join Mater and I for some fun!!!