My, sort of, 2 year anniversary…

I know, TL;DR. You can skip this part if you want. I need to tell my story. YHC claims April 15th as somewhat of an anniversary. It was 2 years ago on this date that I got a wake up call. I was suffering from what I now know of as Sad Clown Syndrome. I had fallen into the familiar routine of most men in their 40's. This day was different. I had been feeling worse than usual, and had been to see the Dr., and on this day I got my results. For the first time a doctor really scared me. He scared me enough to start to care about my fitness. It was a terrible day, but it had to happen. I needed that push. I immediately joined a gym, and went 4-5 times per week. I started losing weight, and feeling better. But it didn't last. After a year of riding on the treadmill, and losing 40 pounds, I couldn't stand to go anymore. So I quit. The pounds started coming back. Quickly. Twenty pounds. I didn't know what to do. Rent-a-cop started talking to me about F3, and I agreed to give it a try. This was June '16. What an eye opening experience this has been. Now 9 months later, I can't imagine what I would have done if not for that conversation with RAC. That 20 pounds is long gone. I have now exiled 45 pounds total. I've been the Q at many workouts. Never would have pictured that. I've participated in my first Spartan Race, and looking forward to number 2. Ran farther and faster than I would have ever believed I could. And, I think, I look better naked. Haha. Take my word for it. Sorry for the wordy all about me manifesto. Thank you F3 Pax for pushing me to be a better husband, father, and friend. Now, about the workout.


Most of the Pax arrived in plenty of time for a preworkout stretch, and a short Mosey to our new Flag to recite the Pledge with Lear. Now that everyone had arrived we headed off for a couple laps around Bristol with high knees, and butt kickers. Circle up for SSH, WM, IST, and Merkins all IC.

The Thang

A short run to next parking lot, and we Dan Taylor'd our way to the farthest parking lot. We immediately went into the Preachers Chair to give our legs a bit of rest. Haha. The next chore for today was a round of get down the hill/quadriphillia up, 10 swing crunches, 20 dips, and 30 squats (sorry legs). Repeato. Threepeato.

Away we went to the stairs. Two rounds of bear crawl up/stairs down, and then a trip to the rock pile. I instructed the Pax to find an uncomfortable rock, and let everyone know the longer it took to find your rock, the more likely it was to find an angry snake. #snakecity

Two rounds each of 10 reps IC of curls, skull crushers, chest presses, and bench presses. With a shift to the left after each round.

We put our rocks away, and I tried to sneak in 30 burpees to cover my 30 day challenge for the day. The Pax was… uninterested. We got through 10, then took a lap around the track. Back up the steps for 10 more burpees, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, and Parker Peters.


20 LBC IC, the W, WWIIs, Freddie Mercurys.


Great to see 3 FNGs today. We welcomed Finger-licking-good's father Pressure Point.

Best comment of the day, "It's like open mic night here today without Manhands" Allthough irreplaceable, the Pax was doing their best to hold your spot.

3 ruckers rucked, and 2 runners runned. Ruckers racked, runners ran?

Great to see Brushless and Crack not letting their injuries keep them down.