Mystery Q, The Kinder Gentler Carpetbagger

The mystery Q showed at Gladiator this morning. And it was none other than YHC with a kinder gentler workout.

Here’s what we did:


Mosey to the pullup bars, grab a block, and Circle Up.

SSH, IST, Windmill, Long Snapper, Mountain Climber, 10x IC Merkins


Perform a couple exercises and mosey to the school for another set of exercises. Perform more exercises then mosey back to the pullup bars. (Heaven and Hell)

10x IC Squat Curl

10x Pullups then mosey to school OR mosey and perform 10x Burpees at school.

Downward Dog, Calve Stretch, 1-minute People’s Chair w/ Air Press

Mosey back to the pullup bars.

15x IC Press Skull Crusher

10x Pullups then mosey to school OR mosey and perform 10x Burpees at school.

Downward Dog, Calve Stretch, 1-minute People’s Chair w/ Air Press

Mosey back to the pullup bars.

15x IC Chest Press Flutter Kick

10x IC Mason Twist

10x IC Pillow Talk L/R

10x Pullups then mosey to school OR mosey and perform 10x Burpees at school.

Downward Dog, Pigeon, 1-minute People’s Chair w/ Air Press

10x IC Bicep Merkins on Curb

Mosey back to the pullup bars.

10x IC 8-Count Body Builder

10x IC Lawnmower Pulls L/R

Blocks Up and mosey back to cars



There was a fair amount of mumble chatter, but nobody was complaining that the workout was too easy. In all, the kinder gentler beatdown produced approximately 2 miles in distance covered, a fair amount of “mobility moment” time and a full body workout. I believe it was a success.

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance determines your destiny.” Aristotle
