Namaste B1tches

Event Date

Jun 22, 2021


Six yogis came out to Cobalt to get some stretch, core and yoga on.  We were blessed to have a travelling dignitary and MILF3 alumni legend in our midst.


  • Q drove up and noticed somebody stretching (looked more like humping from my vantage point) on the back of a pickup truck. Sure enough, it was HamBone

  • HamBone is in town for Father’s Day and a crazy mutha-rucka marathon event this weekend with Arizona

  • Today’s morning breeze was spectacular.Need more of that please

  • Perhaps some weren’t ready for one legged scorpion hand release ‘mercans

  • While HamBone may not have shown up ready for some stretch/core, with the aid of a donated towel he did fine. He even gave back the towel

  • Working out with an air splint not only looks douchey, but is also not doctor recommended

  • Overheard during the workout: “Is Arizona your ruck sack?”

  • Q did notice that, similar to spectators avoiding the splash zone seats at SeaWorld, there was no desire for anybody to be situated with a full frontal view of the ranger shorts

  • Double Double looking to apply his mad flight simulation schools to real flying.Talk to me, Goose.

  • Overheard during the workout: “Careful that a moose knuckle makes an appearance.” Come again?

  • Great work men!!!
