Nantan Transition — Davidson Style

Skinny backblast, day 2:

Jolly agreed to take the first half, I’d take the second half and here is how it went:

  • We warmed up, then moseyed to the CSD pull-up bars

  • Pull-up, partner-supported handstand push-up ladder: 1 pull-up, 10 push-ups, 2 & 9, etc.

  • Moseyed to the hill behind the school for multiple quadraphelia, bunny hops, bear crawls up the hill

  • Merkin timebomb from 5 to 1

Then I took the reins and we moseyed to DUMC for paver work:

  • Shoulder presses, CDDs and overhead seal claps x 2

  • High curls, low curls, full curls & skull crushers x 2

  • Low flutters and low dollies

  • Merkins x 3 and rows x 2

  • Mosey back to the green


No moleskin required
