Naval Gunfire Support, The NPR, Paying taxes, Spring Training. How’s that before 6 am on a Friday?

25 hard-chargers sallied forth on a 65 degree. dry, near-perfect February morning.  At 0529 we were assembled for muster, instruction, inspection and disclaiminatory proceedings.  We quickly knocked out  a quick up-dog and15x Americans and moseyd down the hill for…


18 x ssh

10 x wm

18 x ist

20 x toy soldier

10 x slow squat

1 min ijr

Mosey to rocks for naval gun fire support 

10 x curls for girls.  Fire for effect salvos

10 x bent over rows.  Fire for effect salvos.

10 x skull crushers.  Fire for effect salvos.

10 x shoulder presses.  Fire for effect salvos.

Reverse course.  Repeato. 

Circle up for Rock Webbs:  1:4 ratio up to 6:24 then back down the other side.  (Crowd pleaser)

Mosey to truck for NPR with runs.

Assemble in the parking lot to file our 1040 EZ form.

Assemble on the sandlot for inside the park home runs.

Muster back at launch for mobility moments and some plank-to-hovers which are not Americans.


Ye olde General skin:

Primo emerged out of the lowlands like some kind of manly mirage returning from the pool to engage in the long lost bootcamp.  Aye.  Good to have the original gangsta in the house.

Self-EH'd FNG now known as SeaBee has some serious wheels.  And he's a Brazilian who doesn't drink coffee.  Go figure.

Hat Trick incurred a group penalty for cheating on his taxes.  There's always one.

Cousin Eddie never misses a day.

I like when Jersey Boy throws down the gauntlet in CoT.

Many prayers for the Melins.  Sevice is this Sunday. Prayers for Clark in Denver.  Prayers up for all of us.  F3 Dads tomorrow at MightyJungle.