NC License Plate is now “PDDY”. Who’s next?

Event Date

Dec 12, 2017


Eight pax including those listed plus Kwame posted for the F3 Davidson Advanced Early Shift at 5:15 at the Town Green.  After a quick warmup, we moseyed to the Pullup bars for the following:

Eye-Opener: OYO 2 burpees, 2 pullups, 4 burpees, 4 pullups, 6 burpees, 6 pullups, 8 burpees, 8 pulllups, then 10 combined burpee/pullups.

Mary – LBC, HTH, Lo Flutter, Rosalita

Picnic Tables: 10 pushups, 20 squats, 30 dips, then run down hill to far end of field and back.  Repeat 3X. Plus final set – 10 Incline Merkins, 8 Decline Merkins, 6 Dips – run down hill across field and back again.

Mary – LBC, HTH, Lo Flutter, Rosalita


Curls X10, run full lap up stairs and around parking lot

Curls X10, SkullCrushers X10 run full lap up stairs and around parking lot

Curls X10, SCX10, Squats X10 run full lap up stairs and around parking lot

Curls X10, SCX10, Squats X10, Bent over rows X10 run  to end of parking lot and back

Back to Green for final Mary – LBC, HTH, Lo Flutter, Rosalita

Recover, recover.

COT: Many friends and family members who are struggling with illness were mentioned in the COT. Keeping them in our prayers.


Genghis noticed my license plate now has a Davidson seal and the letters PDDY.  Who's next putting a nickname approximation out there for everyone in I-77 traffic to see? 

Also, he had a flight this morining at 8:05am but still made it to the AES and left promptly at 6am to shower and head out for the airport, making his flight easily, he said.  Strong work Genghis, and high level of commitment there!

Creeper and Hulka are still fast and hard to keep up with on the runs!

Riptide wore tights under his gym class shorts for the second straight day…and I dont think they were cotton or wool – it is possible they were some sort of synthetic!  I asked Canuck to check and make sure, but he wouldn't.

LD and Kwame put in solid yet understated and quiet performances as always, smiling, working hard and never complaining. 

Thanks guys…it is always fun to lead the AES!