Neato Repeato

Event Date

Nov 26, 2019


25 x SSH

15 x Toy Soldier

15 x Windwill

15 x Cherry Picker (Grass Grabber?)

Dynamic stretching platter

Forward/Backward Parking Space Line Run

The Thang:

Repeat of a Natty workout that I enjoyed for my VQ.

Three groups: One on either side of parking lot two parking islands apart.  One group is the "man in the middle".  Continuous exercise on either side, the "man in the middle" group runs to relieve that team on the exercise.  That group then becomes the man in the middle, and then relieves the other side.  Exercise for 7 minutes the switch to the next exercise.

The rounds consisted of:

  • Mericans – Squats

  • Lunges – Mt. Climbers

  • Planks – CDD

  • Burpees – LBCs


Sampler assortment from 3 of the PAX to close it out

  • Box Cutter – Twister

  • Mason twist – Arizona

  • Jack knife – Grip


  • Trading 2 roosters for 3 hens was a solid deal for the Tool Time flock yesterday
  • Recruiting efforts continue for F3 Christmas party – $50 per couple I believe? Twister has the details

  • From Natty's previous backblast – still held true today "Sorry, I just crop dusted myself"

  • Good to see HamBone today – in town for Thanksgiving!

  • Great work this morning