Nebulat Ergo Cogito

Event Date

Jan 21, 2017

YHC rolled into a foggy RBP / Barnette parking lot at 5:55am this morning to find a half dozen or so cars, all with engines off, lights out.  Peering into one empty car, and then the next, YHC realized that there were a bunch o' pax out running the ol' River Rat.

YHC then heard a car door open, and out emerged one Mini Me with headlamp.  From another car nearby, an already-sweaty Tantrum appeared, toweling off from the Rat and preparing for round 2.  Quick greet and pound, and we waited and watched for other runners to come in from the fog.  Minute or two later, and a headlamp could be seen at the opposite end of the parking lot.  Wingman.  Rolling in from the Rat and, like Tantrum, ready to turn right around and head back into the fog.

Several other runners rolled in – LaBon, Carpetbagger, …. (help me out, Tantrum) – but had other plans post-Rat, so around 0605 the four of us headed out for Jim Kidd Road. On the way, we circled up for a quick….


  • IST x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
  • Side lunge stretch + runners stretch (both sides)


Nothing fancy – just a run down good ol' Jim Kidd Road to the rock.  Fog was dense.  So much so that Tantrum and YHC were surprised that the headlamps were at all effective (they weren't particularly, and eventually YHC turned his off).

At the rock, circled up and did:

  • Squat x 15 IC
  • Wide Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squat x 15 IC
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 10 IC

Then headed back down Jim Kidd.  Mini Me now pacing the group.  Stopped at the end of Jim Kidd and circled up again for:

  • Alternating Lunge x 10 IC
  • Man Maker Mericans x 10 IC

Then continued on with Mini Me still pacing, and returned to the AO through the back of the Barnette track, finishing right on time (0645).


  • Thanks to all pax for joining me this morning.  Never know how many will show for a January weekend run, but fog aside, weather was nice, so I was hopeful.  Enjoyed catching up with Tantrum on the way to Jim Kidd rock, and Mini on the way back. Wingman, still need to catch up with you.  Will get myself to Fireball and make that happen.
  • With relatively fresh legs, YHC realized too late that, for guys like Tantrum and Wingman who had just finished mile 10 on the morning, alternating lunges might not be the greatest exercise to call. Cobains, guys.  But TClaps for the double-down.  Don't know if anyone stayed for Estate, but if so, TClaps again.  Love to see everyone getting after it on a weekend morning in January.
  • Garmin tells me that we were at least 1 min faster per mile with Mini Me pacing than with YHC pacing.  Just sayin'.
  • Thanks to Turnpike for reaching out to me to Q this morning.  Missed having you out there, but enjoyed running with you at Latta later this morning.  16.1 mi, you're a beast.