Need for Speed

Event Date

Aug 26, 2017


Warmup: (x = in cadence)
– 20x SSH
– 10x windmills
– 20x mountain climbers

Backwards run up LBH, mosey back

Mosey to the back and each grab a block
Return to parking lot
15x trifectas

Round 1 of Need for Speed set:
– 10 ISW twist (elbow to outside of knee)
– 10 copperhead merkin with hand raise
– 20x single leg glute bridge (10x each leg)
– 60sec split jump around the world (30s each direction)
– 20x mountain climbers

Partner run with 1 block up to the Front Lawn.
*** had to take a little detour to prevent a female runner from thinking we were following her creepily.

Round 2 of Need for Speed set:
– 10 ISW twist (elbow to outside of knee)
– 10 copperhead merkin with hand raise
– 20x single leg glute bridge (10x each leg)
– 60sec split jump around the world (30s each direction)
– 20x mountain climbers
*** ugh everything starting to take their toll, especially glute bridges and split jumps

– bear crawl to each tree
– 5 merkins
– backwards run back
*** merkins after bear crawl = #CrowdPleaser

Sprint!!  1/2 way around the fountain island, mosey 1/2 way

Round 3 of Need for Speed set:
– 10 ISW twist (elbow to outside of knee)
– 10 copperhead merkin with hand raise
– 20x single leg glute bridge (10x each leg)
– 60sec split jump around the world (30s each direction)
– 20x mountain climbers
*** such ouch

Grab block, limp back to the AO

Put blocks back, and oh, Shirley, have you heard about The Murph.
He had but YHC decided to give him a little primer.
4 rounds of:
– 5 pull ups
– 10 merkins
– 15 squats
*** did a darn good job of simulating the last few rounds of The Murph with the fatigue
*** #EHSuccess! 

Return to the parking lot for 5 minutes of Mary:
– 20x LBC
– 10x slow, 2-count scissors
*** WHY WHY do these hurt so bad?
– 10x box cutters (5x each way)
– 1 minute of American Hammer
*** yes, they are the same as Russian Twist

and THAT's your free work out…those Need for Speed sets are no joke.

– Heard a caller on the radio talking about some amazing story.  She said she heard something a long time ago, and it always stuck with her to keep her grounded.
– She said, "I always remember: when I'm on the mountain top, I've got to humbly bow low to God to thank Him and give Him glory for my successes.  And when I'm in the valleys, I need to raise my hands up and give Him praises and acknowledge that He has me in His hands, and I trust Him."
– This was such a simple message and point of reflection for me over the last week.
– Especially so, it seems, in our American culture, where individual freedom and success seems to be promoted above humility and acknowledgement of our Living God.
– When you are succeeding, are you humbly praising him?
– When you are troubled, do you trust Him?

– Missed our BRR gang.  And others on vacation or working.  And others…we need you. 
– And because I love you guys so much, those Need for Speed sets will be recycled into a workout near you sometime after BRR training.  Those guys need speed too.  And we will hit 4 sets
– 2nd F at Cabbellas was wonderful as always.  I took a ribbing for low SVU 2nd F attendance…deservedly so….sad clown
– Heal up Hefty!

Such an honor to lead today.