Negotiating with the PAX at Fallout

* FNG-1 is "Zaire", who is The Force's 2.0.

Apologies for the late backblast.  Here is roughly what happened yesterday at Fallout:

0500:  Amen, Etch, and Frontier ran some laps around the track while YHC did some hill repeats on Bud Henderson.



  • Mosey up the hill towards the school, including high knees, butt kickers, "Penguin Walk" (on heels), and tippy toe walk.
  • Circle up, disclaimer given.
  • "Russians" x 12 IC
  • SSH x 12 IC
  • IST x 12 IC  (I think we did these?)
  • Slow windmills x 12 IC

The Thing:

Partner up.  Size matters.

  • Get over the wall.  Help your partner if needed.
  • Burpees x 15 OYO
  • Lunge walk across the parking lot to the playground behind the school.
  • Partner 1:  5 pull-ups + 7 knee-ups on bars OYO
  • Partner 2:  LBCs x 25 OYO
  • Flip flop.
  • Everyone:  Burpees x 14 OYO
  • Lunge walk back across parking lot.
  • Get over the wall.  Help your partner if needed.
  • Any Q volunteers for July 16?  Yes, Top Gun Steps up!
  • Burpees x 13  no make that 12 OYO
  • (The PAX at this point question Top Gun's negotiation skills and whether this was a good deal)
  • High knees over to the playground.
  • Partner 1:  5 pull-ups + 7 knee-ups on bars OYO
  • Partner 2:  LBCs x 25 OYO
  • Flip flop.
  • Did we forget to do Burpees here?!?  Oh my.
  • Side step / squat / side step / squat across the parking lot
  • Get over the wall.  Help your partner if needed.
  • Any more Q volunteers?  Yes!  The Force / Zaire volunteer.
  • (But they wanted TWO sets of Burpees eliminated.  The kindly Q agrees)
  • Everyone:  Burpees x 9 OYO
  • Double time across over to the playground
  • Partner 1:  5 pull-ups + 7 knee-ups on bars OYO
  • Partner 2:  LBCs x 25 OYO
  • Flip flop.
  • Etch volunteers here, but insists on eliminating THREE sets of Burpees.  The PAX are learning quickly.
  • Burpees x 5 OYO
  • We did some planks throughout ^ while waiting.

Total:  Wow we only did 55 Burpees?  Well done, PAX.  Nice negotiation skills!  Mona Lisa will happily take the 3 Qs in July for less Burpees.

Mosey down to the cinder blocks.  Everyone grabs 1 for:

  • Front shoulder press x 12 IC
  • Full curls x 12 IC
  • Small lap
  • Slow deep block squats x 12 IC
  • Full curls x 12 IC
  • Put blocks away, run a small lap.  Circle up for Mary.


  • LBCs x 25 OYO to get to an even 100 for the day.
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC
  • Plank position…pass to Snake Eyes for…
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 15 IC
  • Pass to Amen for…
  • Stretching!  Then a bit of time for J-LOs x 5 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.03 miles.


  1. The counting to 12 was because yesterday was my daughter Sadie's 12th Birthday.  She is 12 which is crazy but to me, she'll always be my little girl.  Her F3 name is Miss Sassy Molassy.
  2. The Burpee countdown?  Well, that was a copy of a workout:  Which, in itself, was a copy of a workout as that backblast aludes to.  So, a copy of a copy, ok?
  3. The PAX negotiating skills were great!  But let's be honest, YHC didn't really want to do all the Burpees either.  Glad the PAX played along and we had 3 volunteers to Q at Fallout in July…
  4. …but, let's not end there.  Other MQs in attendance (Top Gun at Wilderness, Ultraman at The Cauldron, Freedom at Night Ranger) could really use some Qs as well.  Who, reading this backblast, will kindly step up and Q at one of those AOs?  Read above, clearly, creativity is NOT required!
  5. The Force, when Zaire Qs…will it be a VQ?  Let us know, we will help spread the word if so.
  6. There was some excellent mumble chatter as expected with this crowd.  Some of it not PG.  So without giving the full context / quotes, here are snipits:  "I can't hide all that".  "She only needed the stump".  "Why are you behind me again"?  Etc.  And the most common thing said was "Clearly he didn't Murph yesterday".  Lol, true.
  7. YHC will admit, it is relatively easy to get over the wall if you happen to be scrawny.  Was concerned that that exercise would be met with BS calls or simply mutiny by some of the more jacked PAX.  But no, all the PAX did it.  And they crushed it.  And it was awesome to see.  Aye.
  8. Thank you Mona Lisa for the opportunity to lead.  Safe travels back from vacation my friend.
