It was a glorious morning with 24 hard chargers that took on an endless ladder.  It was time to bring back some cardio to the best Kettlebell workout in LKN (I will say the samething to The Blender Folk when I Q in a couple of weeks).   I was a little thrown off when I saw Outlaw there.  Made me think for a minute to change the workout but I decided that a cranky ole man wasn't going to change my way of thinking.    So here's the thang:

Typical Stretching:  SSH, Storm Troopers, Cotton Pickers

8 Burpee's OYO   (Of Course Outlaw started Bitchin)

Run to 2nd light post

8 Burpee's, Kettlebell Swings 10 IC

Run to 1st Basketball Goal

8 Burpees, KB Swings 10 IC, Goblet Squats x 15 IC

Run to 2nd Basketball Goal

Burps, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Merkins x 10 IC

Run to 3rd BB Goal

Burps, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Merkins, Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Run to 4th BB Goal

Burps, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Merkins, Skull Crushers, Curl's x 15 IC

Run to Driveway

Burps, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Merkins, Skull Crushers, Curls, Low Flutters x 25 IC

Run to Street

Burps, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Merkins, Skull's, Curls, Low Flutters, 8 8 Count Body Builders


1.  24 might be record for MMM.  We'll have analytic's take a look.

2. My apologies for handing over the cadence to Stapler to do KB Swings after running and Burpee's.  On second thought, not so much.  

3.  Primo should be joining FIA soon.   Man can't get to 10 IC without the giggles.   

4.  Bossy Metallica had to jump in and question the Q about making 8 Counts OYO versus calling it out.   The tough guy he is, called the cadence.   I love you man!  

5. I"m glad Bagboy pushed us on Low Flutters.  My abs are popping out since you did 25 IC versus 15 IC.   My Dad bod thanks you.  

6. I appreicate Omega keeping us on time.   Starting at 5:50 he reminded me how much time i had.   He must have had his assistant on his IPhone watch reminding him.    

7. I'm putting my vote in for Couple Of The Year 2019 as Drive Thru and Dr. Evil.   Great seeing you guy's, it's been a while.  

8. Thank you to DeepDish for keeping his word at the Christmas Party that he was coming.  I didn't know if it was him or the beer talking.   

9.  Only Bama quit and got mad about the burpees.  The Mens Workout goes to 6:15 not 6:07.  

10. A reminder to Hat Trick, 3 no's make a yes.  See you at the 2019 Palmetto.  

After 6 years, still the best way to spend a morning.