I'm not sure why, but I wanted to lead the workout today.  18 years.  Incredible how time flies.  None of my 6 children were born when the attacks happened.  I was just dating my now wife of 17 years.  We watched the towers fall together on tv.  I was in my mid 20's and freshly out of the Army.    

Today, I showed up at 5:15.  It was earlier than I usually arrive,and I was surpirsed to see so many guys therer already. 

Cable (Tailhook's 2.0) and Adidas (visiting from South Carolina) were not listed as options above, but were there.  

26 Strong showed up today to see what I had in store.  We started with the pledge and I asked the Pax to grab some kettlebells if they have them in their car.  We wouldnt have enough pavers.  Grab the flag and mosey to the back of Track Scan.  

The Thang:
We completed 18 reps of 18 exercises.  After each exercise, we ran to the top of the hill / driveway.  Each time, one of the Pax suited up in a fire fighters gear (courtesy of Porker) including pants, coat, and oxygen tank.  The Pax that was wearing the gear ran with the shovel flag, and led us to the top of the hill.  With each exercise, someone different changed into the gear.

Squat Thrusts
Skull Crushers
Little Man in the Woods
Slow Deep Squat
Decline Mericans
WW2 Sit Ups
Shoulder Press
Cant remember the other two

We made it back to the circle where we had a brief COT.  

1.  That firefighers gear is no joke to get on and off.  Imagine climbing what seemed like endless flights of stairs as the building is coming down all around you.  Seeing people desperately running to get to the bottom to safety, and the first responders are carrying all that gear up the stairs.   Goodell said it best today, "Most people are running out, and they are running in".
2.  Thank you to Porker for arranging to have the extra set of fireman's gear.  
3.  I'm humbled by the turnout today.  Thank you for posting this morning.
4.  As Fathers we need to not let our children forget what happened just becuase they weren't born yet, or too small to remember.  As you all know, our country changed that day.  
5.  During the gear switch between exercises, the guys were helping the next guy into the gear, and I couldnt help thinking of what the real first responders were thinking on that day.  Truly remarkable.    
6.  Thank you Stroker Ace for the keys to the Brickyard.