Never Forget The Day of The Rangers

Event Date

Oct 03, 2016

Today isn't Memorial Day, but today does mark the 23rd anniversary of the Battle of Mogadishu, aka the Black Hawk Down story, aka Operation Gothic Serpent. On October 3rd, 1993, 18 US servicemen went out into the battlefield, and didn't come home.  Today's workout was in memory of the sacrifice these heroes made.

Warm Up:  Mosey to the back of the parking lot.

18 SSH's

18 Cotton Pickers

18 Windmill Twists to loosen our backs

The Hard Part:

Team partner carries one lap around the LFC campus.

10 pull ups

18 Carolina Dry Docks

Partner Carry a second lap

18 Merkins

Bear Crawl across the lot

18 Air Squats

18 Mountain Climbers

Partner Carry a third lap

18 Merkins

18 WWII Sit Ups

Recover! Recover!!

18 8-Count Body Builders


Throughout the course of the workout I tried to pass along some of the details and events that occurred in Mogadishu 23 years ago.  I know I did not do the story justice, but hopefully each of you learned a little bit about self-sacrifice this morning.  If you would like to know more about the Battle of Mogadishu, I'd encourage you to read one of the many autobiographies written by survivors of the battle, or go to YouTube and find one of the many interviews they have given.

Thank you to each of the PAX that came out to the Sword this morning.   You guys went along with the "plan" even if I wasn't sure how it was going to work out.  

Jedi and Nordberg, thanks for #TheStandard today.  Gotta keep up those cardio gainz.

Please share your thoughts below if there is anything important that I left out.  But keep your comments on the quality of the Q to yourself.  That feeback belongs in the anonymous comment card box.