Never let inexperiance get in the way of a good workout

My 1st ever Q, thanks to the brave who showed up to Gladiator and suffered through it. (Cadence is much harder than anticipated). Started promptly at 5:30 which proved too prompt for some.


Long jog to get the blood flowing

In Cadence

0 – SSH (I assumed Travolta has a patent or some rights to this at Gladiator and didn’t want to start the day tied up in litigation)

10 – Slow Windmills, 15 – IST, 15 – Toy Solder, 10 – Hand release merkins

Jog in place: High knees, Butt kickers, fast feet

Carolina Trivia – I am new to North Carolina so I thought I would test some natives with simple questions about their home state.

Correct Answer: 1 Squat

Wrong Answer: 1 Burpbee increasing with each wrong answer

(I don’t think there were any native sons of North Carolina in the group)

Speed round just equaled more Burpbees.

(Answers were confirmed via the internet which is never wrong and not be questioned)


Jog to the cinder blocks

Lunge with block to the divide

In Cadence

10 – Block Chest Presses, 10 – Block merkins, 10 – Block Skull crushers

Walk you blocks back passing it between your legs with each stride


Jog to center of the parking lot

Bear Crawl to the divide

10 – Blast off merkins OYO


Jog to the Wall

20 – One leg Calf Raises R, 20 – One leg Calf Raises L, 10 – decline merkins, 5 – Wall Jumps


Jog to the top of the stairs

10 Spiderman merkins Upstairs

10 LBC’s Downstairs

Always 10 LBC’s but dropping 1 upstairs merkin each rep



Jog to Start

10 shoulder touch merkins, Low flutter, Crunchy Frog,10 – Very Slow merkins (Landline)

40 – SSH compliments of (Travolta) cementing his legal rights to this exercise for 2017


Thank you all who participated I was happy to Q today and give back a fraction of what I have gained with F3.