Never too early for box jumps! Nor ever too late for burpees.

Beautiful morn at Berean! The weather was perfect! The gloom was dark but the attitudes were bright, the grind was hard but the pax were harder! 
Warm-o-Rama right in place at the start. Mosey to the pansies for some leg focused activities. Box jumps off the rip was not a crowd favorite, next time we’ll save those for a little later. Bulgarian splits, step ups, slow squats, good mornings, and glute bridges off the box. Great work men! In hindsight I would have repeated all of that for a round 2 and shortened our main event but that’s okay! Work was done and it was done well! Mosey to the bridge to Terrabithia, gotta pay the toll. It’s merkins, side planks and some forward leaning rest. Don’t forget to stretch those groins. Cross the bridge and time to boogie.

(11’s) – Run up a nice grade across parking lot, 10 burpees, run back, 1 Bonnie Blair. 9 & 2, 8 & 3, etc. We had a by-week at 6 burpees and subbed in some extra Bonnie Blair’s. Everyone crushed this part of the beat down. A true test of strength and grit, these fine pax came for all they could eat! 
Finished up just in time for some rest in the 6 inches position, on to low flutter, then Freddie mercury, and finally a mobility moment. Whew. Don’t forget your 10 Carolina dry docks before we cross the bridge back to reality.

Troll toll is merkins in cadence. Mosey. 
Quadrophelia to meet Goat back where it all started. 
We stamped our punchcards with Homer to Marge, 15 WW2s and Suzanne somers just for Hippie. Recover recover.

Great job guys. Loved getting after it with you in the gloom. Cherish the opportunity to spend this valuable time with these valuable men. Prayers for Airstreams cousin, prayers for healing, prayers for family. 
Amen! 🙏 

For those that counted we totaled 49 burpees, we all went down for the respect rep post COT. 

Until next time, 


