NeverEnding Circuit

Event Date

May 14, 2022


3 appeared from the gloom, but one was a young doe wandering around the SV park.  Shirley and I enjoyed the brush with nature and then got our game on.  This is how it went down.  

Disclaimer and Warning about it being a cardio day…muahahaha

SSH, windmills, dippy birds, arm circles

NeverEnding Circuit:
round 1 (6's)
6 chest to ground burpees
6 copperhead merkins
6x air squats
6x mountain climbers
6x lunge walks
10x dumbbell curls (30#)
10x dumbbell sides and front  (15#)
10x squat, hammer curl, press (25# db's)
10 Bennifers
round 2 (8's) + chorus + LBH
round 3 (10's) + chorus + LBH
round 4 (8's) + chorus + LBH
round 5 (6's) + chorus + LBH


Reflection:  Matthew 6:9-13  The Lords Prayer
9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.  11 Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
* Yesterday, my youngest and I had a stand off.  He very clearly knew what was expected.  He very clearly chose not to follow the guidance, do as was told, did not take well to kind encouragement (nor less kind).  He was just doing his thing.  I was not happy.  I was disappointed.  I couldn't believe his selfish, control-seeking, stubborn response.  He was going to do his thing, despite the mountain of obvious consequences.  I don't understand what drove him to that behavior.
* It bugged me all night.  Trying to understand.  Trying to replay in a way that drove different outcomes.  Trying to consider what I couldn't done differently.  Did I need to do something differently? 
* It bugged me this morning on the drive in.
* I don't remember the song, but the lyric, "Thy will be done," struck me.
* How many times do a repeatedly do something that I know is wrong.  That I know has clear consequences.  That I know is me rebelling, being stubborn, proving I know what's best….
* Ugh.  Right between the eyes.
* Compared to God's plan?  No, I don't know what's best.  There are several things I need to think about and change.
* How about you?

* We were a little confused arriving at the AO.  10 cars or so, but no bodies.  Later saw a couple party stragglers retrieve their vehicles.  Also, realized the USNWWC Relay crew was on a training run.   Good luck next week guys!
* Last night, Tonka claimed he was *cough, cough* sick.  I'll assume he was sick and did not know the deets of this heart cranker.  I'm sure he'll be disappointed he missed out.  : )
* T-claps to Shirley for bringing his torque wrench.  Last step in making the bike mobile again. >fistbump<
* T-claps to Shirley also for completing a couple more legs in his ever expanding "Paddle the entire Catawba River chain" advantures.  I think he said he is up to 85 miles.  Unreal!
* Final T-claps to Shirley for beasting his way through this punisher.  Pushing and encouraging each other.  Always good to battle with you.

Always an honor to lead,