FNG-1 is Brian King, first post friend of Drebin. 29-Aug-2022 Edit: Brian is now known as “Fudd”. Noticed “Fudd” is now in the Pax list, added him. !!!
Let’s get right to it:..1
0501: Run Standard with Gambini and Peart Plus. We ran past both YHC’s house and Peart Plus’s house in Carrington Ridge.
0530: Disclaimer given.
- Slow mosey justs a short ways to the track
- Slow deep squats x 10 IC
- Mericans x 10 IC
- WWII situps x 10 IC
The Thing:
An uncreative WIB. Cobains. Explained that order did not matter. The goal was:
- 200 Slow Deep Squats OYO
- 100 Mericans OYO
- 50 WWII situps OYO
- 1,000 reps of jump rope
- Run 2 miles
That’s the Tweet.
- A hearty welcome to Brian. We explained that most Pax aren’t as fit as him when they first start. Thanks to Drebin for bringing him out, and we hope to see him again very soon. Both Drebin and Brian crushed today’s workout. And I declare Drebin is officially a Fallout regular now.
- Good to meet Peart Plus today, though we’ve been neighbors on the same street for roughly 5 years now. Gambini did a nice job EHing Peart Plus to Ludicrous Speed tomorrow. He may have been skeptical at first, but we reminded him You’re never more than a 1/2 a lap away.
- Hasselhoff broke up the workout into 8ths. Meaning, he did 125 jump ropes at a time, 1 lap at a time, etc. It was effective because he was leading from the front today. Nice job! Hoff also told stories of the angry texts he is getting from teachers who are returning for the fall, while Mr. Hoff has retired and is now fully dedicated to his soccer craft. The students will miss you Sir!
- The Force joked that such a strategy ^ would’ve burned precious time figuring out the math, lol ! He also did a nice job with his “virtual jump roping” at times, which is actually a clever way to Incog the workout. Well played. The WWII situps today were inspired by your daily challenge. Pax, check out The Force’s Tweets and get on board for the rest of the year. YHC is happy to report that after today…I’ve completed AT LEAST 2 of the 200+ daily challenges.
- Baller joked that he is only 7/8ths of a man. Lol. Well, that is the Q’s fault. 1,000 reps looked better on paper but many of us ran out of time before completing the jump ropes. (Full dislosure…the Q was…several hundred reps short. Let’s leave it at that)
- Jingle Bells did not partake in the 5 miler run at his AO yesterday. That did not stop him from blazing it on the track today. Great work today and looking forward to hanging out at Dad’s Camp this weekend.
- Gambini, appreciate the opportunity to lead today. If you’ll have me back, I promise to come up with something more creative.
Hope you have a great day gents.