New Blocks at The Mighty Oak

18 PAX beat the snow and put in a solid effort for a great beatdown.  Since the wonderful kids at Grand Oak had so much fun breaking all of the cinder blocks (probably my kids), YHC brought in some shiny new ones in order to hinder the development of soccer arms.  Here's what we did after the disclaimer:


  • Short lap around the parking lot
  • Side Straddle Hop 10 IC
  • Cotton Picker 10 IC
  • Wind Mill 10 IC
  • Arm Circles Forward/Backwards

The Thang

Lots of mumble chatter, so we got started with 20 Burpies 

Round One

  • Box Jump on the planters 10 OYO
  • Mosey to the back entrance
  • Burpie 15 OYO
  • Rocky Balboa on the curb 20 IC
  • Pull Up on the play ground eq 10 OYO
  • Mosey to the blocks
  • Burpie 10 OYO
  • Swing 25 OYO
  • Curl 15 IC
  • Bent Over Row 15 IC
  • Overhead Press 15 IC
  • Lawn Mower 10 R/L OYO
  • Chest Press w/Low Flutter 10 IC

Round Two

  • Step Up on the planters 10 R/L OYO
  • Mosey to the back entrance
  • Burpie 15 OYO
  • Mountain Climbers on the curb 20 IC
  • Pull Up on the play ground eq 10 OYO
  • Mosey to the blocks
  • Burpie 10 OYO Too many complaints about the burpies, and YHC was running low on time
  • Swing 25 OYO
  • Curl 15 IC
  • Bent Over Row 15 IC
  • Overhead Press 15 IC
  • Lawn Mower 10 R/L OYO
  • Chest Press w/Low Flutter 10 IC

Bonus Round

  • Webbicides! Starting on the end of the bus parking lot (16 marked bus parking spaces), we did suicides adding an increasing number of merkins for each line (first line – one merkin, second line two merkins, etc.)
  • I agreed to call it when speedy Swing State finished all 16 lines, but Kosar, Auto and some others finished it out as well. Nice work to all!


Mosey to the front parking lot and circle up for 30 seconds of plank

Recover Recover


  • Sign up for the Christina Latini Memorial 8K to benefit Operation Sweet Tooth –
  • PARTY at Crimson's house this Saturday night!!! His wife is throwing a party for his 50th, but all of F3 Nation is invited! Check with Crimson for details.

– Gypsy