New Exercises and New Recruits in The Wilderness

13 explorers went in search of some new exercises, and new recruits (welcome Jason who we recruited as he was running past), in the The Wilderness.  This is their story….



  • Mosey to the playground
  • Jumping Jack Burpee Flash (20 SSH IC, 10 Burpees, 10 Pull-Ups
  • Prison Cell Merican Burpees (Plank position, 1 Merican, left knee in, 1 Merican, right knee in, 1 Merican, jump up)  x10
  • Smurf Jacks (SSH in squat position) x15 IC


The Thang:

  • Mosey to rocks
  • Rock Webbs – 4/4, 8/8, 12/12, 16/16, 20/20 (Q audible to not do 20's)
  • Curls  x15 IC
  • Circle up…pause to recruit a runner passing by.  After a little coaxing, he grabs a rock and joins in for some fun.
  • Rocktanamo (hold rocks in front, and 1 by 1 the PAX runs around the inside of the circle pushing down on the rocks)


  • Mosey to the round-about
  • Bear Crawl 1/4 turn
  • Dragon Crawl 1/4 turn
  • Crab Walk 1/4 turn
  • Tantrum complains he's not getting enough leg work, so Frog Hop 1/4 turn


  • Mosey to the hill
  • Quadraphelia up
  • Pseudo Planch Mericans (hands pointing towards feet) x10
  • run down the other side and plank
  • Mosey all the way down the parkway hill, then turn around and mosey back to the clubhouse.



  • Captain Thor (1 situp/4 Mason Twists, 2/8, 3/12,…).  Plan was to go to 10/40, but the Q couldn't count it, so we moved to the next exercise.
  • Newton's Cradle (plank position and raise arms to side in alternating fasion) x15 IC
  • Sweat Angels (hands and feet 6 inches off ground, and make snow angels)  x10 IC
  • Pretzle Crunch  x10 IC each side



  • Thanks for the opportunity The Force!  Always a pleasure Q'ing The Wilderness.
  • Lots of regulars came up with convenient excuses (BEP, Sweet C, Rocket, Calypso, Ruffles, Kumquat, Top Gun,…)
  • Thanks to the regulars who did show…Country Club, Jorel, Die Hard, Olaf, Tagless, IKEA, Ultraman, and The Force (though The Force admitted he was hoping for lightning before he left the casa).
  • There was a lot of interesting conversation when i explained that 'Newton's Cradle' was "like the balls that your boss has on his desk!"  Someone commented that those were also The Force's, and it went down hill from there!
  • It was great seeing Burner, Tantrum and Frontier in The Wildnerness!  Thanks for coming out today.  If i memory serves, you all showed for my last Q in The Wildnerness too!?  I'm going to start to get a complex!!
  • Welcome to Jason.  I think we have a nickname ready for you, so make sure you come back for it!!
  • Continued prayers for The Force's co-worker Bill.  Bill left him a message that our prayers are having an impact, and Bill is hearing from people across F3 as a result.