New movements at Stretch Armstrong

Event Date

Mar 05, 2025

FNG today was Out Cold’s friend Guru, now known as “Fuse”. Welcome! Fuse is an electrical engineer with a 1 year old and we are glad to have him.

Mr. Die Hard asked me to Q earlier this week and I’m thankful because we all need more stretching. We did some new things today and even named a few of them. As with anything in life, not all of today’s movements are keepers. 🤷‍♂️


  1. Happy Birthday Ultraman! Debate was whether 56 is “mid fifties” or “late fifties”. 
  2. T-Claps to Ultraman, Die Hard, Frogger, and anyone else who ran with our F3 brothers this weekend “unofficially”. Who hasn’t had a race where a buddy would’ve been a welcome and needed thing.
  3. Amen can sing from both ends. That was some nice Quiet Riot vocals.
  4. Topgun has some insider car information and was also glad someone picked up the “TWSS” in Toxic’s absence.
  5. Omaha has welcomed YHC onto his Ville to Ville team and proposed a very equitable timing split between us. 😂
  6. T-Claps to Out Cold for bringing out Fuse. I hope he realizes the Q is typically more qualified than today.
  7. Prayers up for Ultraman’s MIL who recently took a fall.
  8. Reminder that the Polar Bear is this Saturday! It will be fun. Meet 0645 at the pavilion by Robbins Park. Stay for a great time and coffee and donuts after. 🍩 🍩 

