FNG today was Out Cold’s friend Guru, now known as “Fuse”. Welcome! Fuse is an electrical engineer with a 1 year old and we are glad to have him.
Mr. Die Hard asked me to Q earlier this week and I’m thankful because we all need more stretching. We did some new things today and even named a few of them. As with anything in life, not all of today’s movements are keepers. 🤷♂️
- Happy Birthday Ultraman! Debate was whether 56 is “mid fifties” or “late fifties”.
- T-Claps to Ultraman, Die Hard, Frogger, and anyone else who ran with our F3 brothers this weekend “unofficially”. Who hasn’t had a race where a buddy would’ve been a welcome and needed thing.
- Amen can sing from both ends. That was some nice Quiet Riot vocals.
- Topgun has some insider car information and was also glad someone picked up the “TWSS” in Toxic’s absence.
- Omaha has welcomed YHC onto his Ville to Ville team and proposed a very equitable timing split between us. 😂
- T-Claps to Out Cold for bringing out Fuse. I hope he realizes the Q is typically more qualified than today.
- Prayers up for Ultraman’s MIL who recently took a fall.
- Reminder that the Polar Bear is this Saturday! It will be fun. Meet 0645 at the pavilion by Robbins Park. Stay for a great time and coffee and donuts after. 🍩 🍩