New Sheriff In Town

Event Date

Aug 09, 2016

Five of Mountain Island’s finest made it out on a thankfully less humid morning in response to the invitation to come out for a meet and greet with the New Sheriff in Town. 


– High knees, Butt kicks, Karaoke x 2, SSH x 25 I/C, Toy soldier, Windmill, Cotton pickin’ cherry pickers, Mercans 

The Thang

Come grab a set of bricks.  Take care of the bricks and they will take care of you. 

Run to back parking lot with bricks in tow.  Each set has 3 or 4 (or 5) exercises with brick accompaniment, and then run around track with bricks in hand. Most of these were done in cadence since that is now the only way Q knows how to count, with the numbers for each exercise seemingly random and ranging from 10, 15 and 20 to keep Pax on their toes.

1st set – chest 

  • Incline brick mercans (bercans) on curb

  • Brick WWII sit/ups with chest fly on the down

  • Over the head brick raises with chest press while laying down

Run around track

2nd set – shoulders

  • Overhead shoulder press, alternating arms

  • Shoulder extensions out to side

  • Front shoulder extensions

  • Upright row

  • Bent over shoulder flies

Run around track with bricks out to side (I believe I can fly)


3rd set – biceps/back

  • 10 pull-ups on your own

  • Gun show 25 curls I/C (15 straight, 10 out to side)

  • Bent over row

Run around track with bricks in curl position


4th set – triceps

  • Dips on curb (i.e., Brips)

  • Diamond brick mercans (i.e., Brooke Burke for no apparent reason, perhaps because she’s top heavy?)

  • Skull crushers

  • Tri extensions

Run around track with bricks in skull crusher position (that hurts)


5th set – legs

  • Squats

  • Apollo Anton Ono (i.e., Blaydes of Glorious Gaye)

  • Lunges

Run around track with dealers choice on the brick positioning


6th set – abs

  • Mason twist with bricks (or Bris, although fairly certain the inner layer of Pax foreskin remained on for this one – to be confirmed on Thursday)

  • Plank with alternating arm brick lifts

  • Leg lifts with bricks with each Pax counting down from 10 at their preferred pace

No Mary needed after that one



  • Q authoritah was mostly respected by the Pax today, except for Pinky’s tardiness (he went with the classic dog ate my homework equivalent excuse of having inadvertently gone to Riverbend first instead)

  • Q has some challenging in attaching images to pre-blast.See original intended attachment below

  • Sargent Slaughter had a career renaissance late in life as a G.I. Joe animated character

  • Q does identify with Eric Cartman from more than just sharing the same given name. Favorite quotes/anecdotes include “Screw you guys, I’m going home”, the “In the Ghetto” Elvis cover is pure gold, and “I’m not fat, I’m festively plump”. Truth be told, I really like the quotes with cursing in them, but have abstained since this is a family friendly Backblast

  • Nothing says Christmas like “Mr. Hanky, The Christmas Poo”

  • Shout out to Double Double for his consecutive postings after shedding his FNG status. Very well done 

  • Pinky finally lost his brick hymen with participating in a full brick workout. He will never be the same

  • Using the Express sanitizer setting on your washer may just help to de-funk-tify your workout clothes. 

  • imasickbastard, and pushed hard to get all six sets in, but that was a whole helluva lotta fun

  • It was an honor and a pleasure, brick bee-atches