New time, Same AO

Event Date

Jun 25, 2020

New Pax – Jay Davis – Silent Bob 

All came out at the new time of 0530 for The Wilderness.  All Pax rejoiced at the 20 minutes of extra sleep, and then we began. 


Arm circles, Arm stretches, 15x IC Windmills, Cotton Pickers, IST, and Tie Fighters



20x Burpees OYO

40x Overhead claps OYO

60x Merkins OYO

80x Big Boy Sit-ups OYO

100x Squats OYO

Period – 10x Pullups OYO at any time during your 100x squats 

Diversity and Inclusion

Went around the circle to give every PAX a chance to call an exercise of their choice, only rule was that it must be in cadence. 

Toxic – Face Plant Carolina Dry Docks – executed in perfect cadence *bicep*

Amen – Monkey Humpers *monkey* – saving the J Lo's till Mary

Blackbeard – 50x SSH – since apparently YHC missed them during Warm-a-rama, but as Toxic stated "I wouldn't say I'm missing them" 

Crocs – Senior moment, forgot what he called *doh*

Rodeo – Incline Merkins

Ultraman – Rocky Balboas

Silent Bob – Side lunges – and did a pretty good job calling cadence!


25x Suzanne Summers each leg 

15x IC Low Flutters, Toch them heels

Mobility moments with various leg stretches and low pidgeons

10x IC Low Dolly, Rosalita, J Lo, Box cutters

And 35 seconds of Air Born Mindbender, aka "The Death Star" *vader*


Congrats to F3LKN's newest pax, Silent Bob.  Great time this morning and all pax seemed to enjoy the music *party-parrot* *headphones* and the light show.  *alert*

Stay safe, stay healthy. 

TG sends, *merica*
