New Toys For Run Day

Event Date

Aug 05, 2019

20 x SSHs IC

20 x monkey humpers IC

20 x Storm troopers IC

20 x lunges IC


Partner up for a circuit on the track. After challenge of getting through the gate we made our way in with 30 and 40# KBs and 2 balance boards. Instruction given though apparently no one was listening.  

Station 1 – 10 x balance board Merkins

Station 2 – 20 x WW1 with kettlebell handoff

Station 3 – 10 x narrow balance board merkins

Station 4 – 10 x KB skull crushers

As partner is completing exercises hold deep squat

No idea how many laps we did only as I only heard grumbling as the pax met one another #YoureWelcome

Retrieve toys and back to launch pad



20 x E2Ks each side

25 x LBCs

60 second mason twist



“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Matthew 7:7-8 NIV

Test your faith and you will be rewarded. 



– Hopefully all enjoyed the new toys I brought to Monday run day.  Only way to make running fun , IMHO, is to bookend it with something that sucks more. 

– Plenty of core work between the ab exercises and merkin balance boards

– Football coach tries to keep us off the track and fails

– Marker, Sonar, Ziploc all try to one up one another.