New Tuesday SVU Standard

Event Date

Jun 28, 2022


2 men showed up to improve (and talk…. alot)



Light stretching

10 IC Carolina Dry Dock

More stretching

Thoughts of just having Tuesday Broga??

The Thang

Toys for a Modifidied County Fair.  2 PAX, so only 2 stations at a time:

Round One

          Sand bag burpees

          Ab wheel of pain

          Group run to top of LBH


Round Two

          Big pulley kettlebell swing

          Jump rope

          Group run to back playgroud for follow the leader


Round Three

          Sand bag burpees

          Ab wheel of pain

          Group run to top of LBH


Round Four

          Big pulley kettlebell swing

          Jump rope



        10 IC Dr. W's





Psalm 32:8

“I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and wathc over you.

Curbs are useful, if not underappreciated inventions. They guide water to drains, give a place for you to sit and dream on sunny, summer days, give shape to streets and act as boundaries for those trying to park.

Curbs are intended to keep you from going where you shouldn't go, while framing the route you should take.

We need curbs.  We make better decisions with curbs.  What are your internal curbs? Are you staying inside them, or still learning where they are?


-Threw some toys in the back of the T4R this morning, hoping for the chance to Q

– Pulled in at 5:30 on the dot to find Dandy looking lonely, checking his phone

– Small in number today, but great conversations and discussions about life and work balances

– Jumping rope is not Dandelion's strong suit

– Burpees are harder when you're holding a 60 lb sand bag

– Dr. W's are a nice way to end any workout 

All in all, good fun this morning.  For those away, we missed you.  

Choose something to do today to make yourself better.  We chose F3 – Sailview and hope you will too.

Light Bulb