Seven fellas came out to Cobalt for the first Core, Stretch and More of the new year. #ProudOfYooz
- It being a new year, the core and stretch rules of engagement were reconfirmed. There shan’t be any prolonged eye contact, and if any questions for the proper form of the suggested exercises, just look over at Grip
- South Carolina won the fan attendance at last week’s TaxSlayer Gator Bowl, but unfortunately could not escape Jacksonville with the win. Note that its only 242 days until the Gamecocks season opener against UNC Chapel Hill at Bank of America stadium on Saturday September 2nd. It’s never too early to start formulating a tailgating plan…
- How does a Fantasy Football commissioner handle the scoring for the finals when there is a postponed game that he was participating in and was actually winning the championships at the time of postponement? #MadWithPower
- It’s Day 3 of Dry January, which is typically when Q starts to become really short with his family and dog. Thoughts and prayers
- In search of a Life Coach? Schwinn may be better suited to other forms of coaching
- Q resolves to actually post backblasts and also post these timely. You know how those resolutions typically end up though
- Selected excerpts from the “Why Dry January Is The Worst” article distributed by everyone’s favorite Life Coach earlier today:
- Part of Dry January is also encouraging your friends to do the same, because peer pressure always works out well when it comes to drinking. In this respect, Dry January and Butt-Chugging are philosophically related acts.
- The Dry January campaign started, in some official capacity, via UK-based nonprofit Alcohol Concern. Which makes complete sense—of course it comes from the British, who regularly produce some of the greatest, most vulgar, completely uninhibited drunks in the world. Do you know how many hilarious terms for “shitfaced” the British have? According to the BBC, 141. Some perennial favorites: Pissed, bluttered, taggered, sozzled, rendered, and of course, cunted.
- Great job fellas!