New Year, Same Old Bricks

Event Date

Jan 07, 2023

Six of MIL’s finest, including four who ran to the launch point as part of the Palmetto training regimen, came out to the Quarry Hood for some shenanigans involving bricks.  It did not disappoint


Dynamic stretch, with a focus on legs for the runners

The Thang

Come get yo bricks. Two in a pair. Do a plethora of exercises with the aid of bricks. Many of these had the “Hold it” strategy 2/3 of the way thru


  • 10 part man maker mercans
  • OH pull with diamond press
  • WWII with a chest fly on way down
  • Decline mercans
  • Incline mercans
  • Run around parking lot with bricks in hand


  • Squat with OH Press
  • Front raise
  • Side raise
  • Upright row
  • Ain’t nothin but a chicken wing
  • Reverse flies
  • Shrugs
  • Run around parking lot with bricks in the “I believe I can fly” position


  • Bent over rows
  • Forward rows (3 kinds)
  • Lawnmower
  • Curls
  • Hammer to OH press
  • Wrist curls (regular and backwards)
  • Run around parking lot with bricks held in the curl position

Tri/Billy Blanks/Abs

  • Skull crusher
  • Kickbacks
  • Dips
  • Billy Blanks – done mas rapido
    • OH Press
    • Jabs
    • Hooks
    • Uppercut
    • Bent over pummel
    • Side press cross knee pummel
  • Dying cockroach
  • Alternating reach press
  • Crunchy frog
  • Plank
  • Slow mountain climber
  • Crunches
  • Same arm same leg


  • Slow Roll ran to the workout but could not stay. As has been well documented in this forum, he has a problem with grip. He also has a problem with gripping bricks
  • Overheard during the workout: “You mentioned something about music”. Q then reluctantly let Pax pick the musical genre. 80’s hair metal was the selection, but please note that the tunes were not from a curated playlist
  • Overheard during the workout: “This feels like a mix of Richard Simmons and Chuck Norris”, in reference to the Billy Blanks set
  • Chuck Norris’ birthday is on March 10th. You always find your way back to the classics
  • Grip is War Eagle bound for delivering his daughter back to school
  • Overheard during the workout: “I just like the feel of bricks in my hand”, in response to why the decline mercans did not make use of bricks under the feet to increase the angle of decline
  • Q’s wife’s birthday today, and we celebrate with food. Q shared the secret weapon of putting on some herb-laced compound butter on ribeye steaks while they rested. It’s a complete game changer
  • In a surprise to nobody, there was a lot of talk about grilled and smoked meats. This crew is carnivorous and nobody was bragging about their caprese salad recipes
  • Overheard during the workout: “Hold It”, with the requisite shout out to Charlie
  • The runners were serenaded with outro music on their way out of the Quarry Hood. Today’s selection was “Calling Dr. Love” by Kiss. According to the lyrics, the first step of the cure is a kiss.
  • Great work men!!!