Also in attendance:

  • Sonic (Bijoux's 2.0)
  • J Wow
  • Moon Raker
  • Lexi
  • TinMan (all 4 above either not registered on the website or are visiting PAX from other regions)

30 PAX for a Turnpike / Turncoat Co-Q at "Fallout" for an Isotope convergence.  Here is roughly what we did:

0630:  Run standard with Fenway, Jolly, Kumquat, Turncoat, and YHC covering ~2.5 miles.  Let it be known that Titan also did some running but missed us by 6 minutes, and NiteStick did some running but had a code brown situation.


  • Mosey around the parking lot with high knees and butt kickers, ending on the bottom soccer field.
  • Circle up and disclaimer given.
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Moutain Climbers x 15 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Elbow plank x 1 min.  HOLD for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC 

The Thing:  Part 1 – Kamikaze on some very muddy fields *shrug*

  • Run to the bottom of the first hill, 15 squats OYO
  • Quadraphilia up the hill, 15 squats OYO
  • Run down the hill, 15 squats OYO
  • Back to the start, elbow plank while waiting
  • Run to the bottom of the first hill, 15 squats OYO
  • Quadraphilia up the hill, 15 squats OYO
  • Run to the bottom of the second hill, 10 Mericans OYO
  • Quadraphilia up the hill, 10 Mericans OYO
  • Run down the hill, 10 Mericans OYO
  • Run to top of 1st hill, 15 squats OYO
  • Run down the hill, 15 squats OYO
  • Back to the start, elbow plank while waiting
  • Man maker elbow plank x 10 IC
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 12 IC

The Thing:  Part 2 – Handoff to Turncoat who is much better at this!

  • Get far away from the muddy fields!  Mosey to the track
  • Indian run around the track while Turncoat set up some cones

Agility drills:  Split into 2 groups

  • Basketball defense drill (get low – side shuffle the sides and stay low on forward / reverse) x 3 OYO
  • WWII situps x 20 OYO
  • Run forward / diagonal back x 3 OYO
  • Hand release Mericans x 20 OYO
  • Repeato the run forward / diagonal back but switch lines
  • Low flutters x 20 IC
  • "In and Out" drill x 3 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Repeato "In and Out" drill but in other line

Mosey to the parking lot, partner up.

  • Partner 1 does quick runs around cone, clockwise + counterclockwise, partner 2 lunges (forward then backward)
  • Partner 1 hops around cone, partner 2 sideways lunge right
  • Flip flop and repeato, reversing direction and with sideways lunge left
  • Partner 1 does line touches, while partner 2 does CDDs AMRAP
  • Flip flop

 Apologies I feel I'm leaving stuff out?  Turncoat kindly comment below and I'll amend!

Mosey to the parking lot for Mary.


  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 12 IC
  • Crunchy frog x 15 IC
  • This thing for like 30 seconds.  Hard to describe.  *shrug*
  • LBCs x 25 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava we covered 2.2 miles.


  1. Happy New Year gentlemen!
  2. T-Claps to Turncoat who is the new Isotope 1st F Q!  YHC identified Turncoat as the best man for the job, and he gladly accepted, Bagboy kindly approved, and we've been discussing changing roles for a few weeks.  Humbly, YHC will take over as 2nd F Q and will try to carry on the great stuff Turncoat has been doing.  More to come on both fronts.
  3. T-Claps to our 4 visitors from other regions for making the trip.  I believe they were J Wow, Moon Raker, Lexi, and TinMan.  Although, I botched the recording a bit so if incorrect please sound off below.
  4. T-Claps to Bijoux for brining out Sonic his little guy.  Strong work from you both.
  5. There were a few complaints about the muddy conditions of the soccer fields.  Clearly, this is Lawndart's fault.  Appreciate the opportunity to lead today bud and thanks for providing the post workout beverages.
  6. Appreciate the music provided by NiteStick.  Artists included Whitney Houston, but did not include "The Presidents of the United States" despite Jolly's incorrect assertion they were.
  7. Muddy fields and tough agility drills led to much mumble chatter, some of which can't be repeated here!  Many were hoping that Turncoat would end the workout after 45 minutes but he wasn't having any of that!
  8. Happy 6 years of F3 to our friend Black Eyed Pea!
  9. Fenway emerged from this workout unscathed, let the records show.
  10. Welcome back Kotter:  Quik Stop.  Good to meet you and hope to see you out more often.
  11. Agility Drill All-Stars:  Hall Monitor, Frogger, and Outlaw.  Needs work:  Lawn Dart and Tantrum.
  12. You know the mumble chatter is solid when YHC can't recall many Toxic jokes…he was drowned out by Jolly, THM, and Tantrum among others.
  13. On Saturday, at this same location, we'll have the first of the monthly F3 Dads / Kids workouts at 0700.  This is something that spans 1st and 2nd F in our humble opinions so Turncoat and YHC are excited to increase the frequency of these gatherings.

Aye gents, Turnpike.